




Anna Calvi
Domino Recording Co


◎ BBC「Sound Of 2011」、水星音乐奖提名肯定,英国黑暗Art-Rock瞩目首席女伶,2013年全新第二张专辑

◎ Brian Eno、Nick Cave、时尚品牌香奈儿设计师Karl Largerfeld钦讚;专业传媒The Guardian、NME、Clash等高分推荐

◎ 葛莱美提名肯定製作人John Congleton (St. Vincent、 David Byrne、John Grant) 掌舵,情感集其脆弱与暴烈两极,大胆私密充满戏剧张力

2011年发行首张同名专辑《Anna Calvi》,随即引起英国独立摇滚乐坛一阵惊豔的黑暗Art-Rock女伶Anna Calvi,一出道即获得资深前辈如Brian Eno、Nick Cave的肯定,时尚品味与艺术形象鲜明的风格,更让向来眼光刁鑽的香奈儿设计师Karl Largerfeld惊豔不已,公开表示是她的「头号歌迷」,更陆续成为Gucci、Fendi、D Squared等知名品牌座上佳宾;回归其音乐本质,在首张专辑发行后,即名列BBC「2011年度瞩目新星」入围,Brian Eno更讚誉:「Patti Smith后最棒的女声。」Anna除拥有深厚的古典乐背景外,举凡Edith Piaf、Nina Simone、Jeff Buckley、Jimi Hendrix等,都是Anna Calvi涉猎的歌手,尤其深受大导演David Lynch、王家卫等电影的影响,她的音乐中处处交叠影像并充满强烈的戏剧张力,扭曲迷魂的厚实嗓音,都让她的音乐宛如潜入迷宫似的梦境,不知不觉便置身于隐含欲望爱恋的危险诱惑,迷失、迷惑又迷离。

时隔近两年,Anna Calvi终于在2013年,带来摄人心魂浑然天成的全新第二张专辑《One Breath》,在葛莱美提名肯定製作人John Congletonn (St. Vincent、 David Byrne、John Grant) 掌舵下,她以更大胆、更深沉的诠释,探索声音的质地,追求情绪的极致表现,集脆弱与暴烈之两极,展现阴翳之美、私密的力量,你我像在黑夜边缘,一嚐爱欲与死亡的气息,在你打开自己的那一刻之前,所感受到的恐惧、可怖和刺激,同时也充满期待和希望,因为所有即将发生的,尚未发生。

首发单曲〈Eliza〉诉说一名美丽充满力量的女人,惹人悽悽;〈Suddenly〉则在专辑开场,就破题式的揭开自己与忧鬱间的奋战;带著华丽摇滚之姿的〈Cry〉,在鬼魅忧鬱的气氛中,Anna时而低语时而高歌,意象浓烈;末曲〈The Bridge〉圣灵救赎般的彰显她坦诚面对忧鬱、失去亲人之痛等生命中无法掌控的美丽与丑恶,一如她为此辑下的定义:「The moment before you`ve got to open yourself up. (这是一张先声夺人的专辑)。」在一息之间她以歌声伸展内心的颤慄与渴望,即是死亡,亦能留下最美丽的残骸。

UK songwriter Anna Calvi has announced the release of her latest album One Breath. The follow-up to her Mercury Prize-nominated debut, the new record is due out Oct. 7 on Domino. "One Breath is the moment before you’ve got to open yourself up, and it’s about how terrifying that is," says Calvi in a statement. "It’s scary and it’s thrilling. It’s also full of hope, because whatever has to happen hasn’t happened yet."

“Dear friends,

I hope this finds you well,

I’m excited to tell you that my new record “One Breath” will be released on 7th October!

The album was recorded at Blackbox Studios in France where much of the last album was recorded, and I also travelled to Texas to mix the album. One Breath features my great band Daniel Maiden-Wood on drums and Mally Harpaz on harmonium and tuned percussion.

Here is a trailer for “One Breath”, beautifully filmed by my long time artistic collaborator Emma Nathan – Watch “One Breath” album trailer

The album is now also available to pre-order, of which the first 500 CDs I will specially sign.

We will be touring the album, and we have just announced more shows in London, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Spain and Portugal. I feel like I’ve been in hibernation for a long time, but I’m really looking forward to seeing some of you at my Autumn shows, and I can’t wait for you to hear the new record…
