电影简介:亚当(汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston 饰)和夏娃(蒂尔达·斯文顿 Tilda Swinton 饰)是一对携手共同穿越了数百年时光的吸血鬼恋人,从中古走到现代,两人经历了人类社会的数度大起大落,目前分居底特律和坦吉尔两地。
亚当是一名地下音乐人,他厌恶无能又残暴的人类,将他们称作“僵尸”,陷入了抑郁的情绪中无法自拔的亚当甚至购买了木质子弹,打起了自行了断的念头,得知了恋人的糟糕状态,夏娃千里迢迢赶到了亚当的身边。短暂的重逢为亚当带来了新的希望,但令他感到不快的是,夏娃那臭名昭著的妹妹艾娃(米娅·华希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska 饰)亦闯入了他们的生活之中。艾娃的到来带来的是灾难和诅咒,她不仅杀死了亚当唯一的人类朋友伊兰(安东·尤金 Anton Yelchin 饰),更将姐姐和姐夫两人的生活搅得一团糟。
Jim Jarmusch是叱吒美国独立影坛近三十年的性格导演,Jozef Van Wissem则是荷兰籍的极简主义作曲家兼琵琶演奏乐手。
原不相干的两人于2006年在纽约结识,气味相投,开启了一系列合作计划。Jarmusch成为导演前曾是电吉他手,活跃于70年代纽约下城的No Wave艺文场景,本身有一定的音乐底子,便与Jozef Van Wissem一同演出,两人在2012年初联名发表的专辑《Concerning The Entrance Into Eternity》是从现场表演的经验延伸而来;《The Mystery Of Heaven》则是联名出版的第二张作品。
熟悉Jarmusch影像风格的人,对专辑内的音乐景色会感到似曾相识,彷彿这六首歌就是Jarmusch那些黑白电影的听觉化呈现 -- 简约、催眠,场景与场景间留下大片空间让人沉思,妙不可言的张力总在最后一小节才被交代清楚,甚至是,丝毫没有想要交代清楚的意图。
分为两个版本的〈Etimasia〉绝望而自省,宛如剧中人物的荒凉心田。〈The More She Burns The More Beautiful She Glows〉是最有戏的十分钟长篇,这首歌请来女演员Tilda Swinton念白(她也曾于Max Richter的专辑《The Blue Notebooks》念诵卡夫卡的文句),当人声澹出,Jozef Van Wissem的琵琶与Jarmusch的电吉他便开始合奏。
Jarmusch的下一部剧情长片《Only Lovers Left Alive》正由Jozef Van Wissem配乐,Tilda Swinton也参与了演出,或许〈The More She Burns The More Beautiful She Glows〉让人先嗅到了影片的气息,据说,那是一部关于吸血鬼的爱情电影。
ATP Recordings are proud to announce the release of a limited edition 12& vinyl single, featuring music from the original soundtrack to the new ‘crypto-vampire love story‘ film by Jim Jarmusch, ‘Only Lovers Left Alive‘.
according to Mike (Norman Records) on Fri 21 Feb, 2014.
After teasing us with a 12& sampler from this soundtrack, Jarmusch and co finally drop the whole thing on us, and it‘s just as tasty as anticipated. The tracks here are largely collaborations, and they mostly feature Jozef Van Wissem and/or SQURL, with six of the tracks being collaborations between the two, as well as a handful with SQURL on their own, one with Van Wissem solo, and guest appearances from Zola Jesus, Madeline Follin and Yasmine Hamdan. That sounds convoluted on paper, but the record rolls along quite intuitively and you never feel like you‘re listening to such a mishmash of contributors, with Follin‘s ‘Funnel of Love‘ the only feature that really juts out.
Largely what we‘ve got here is a mixture of SQURL‘s slow-drifting stoner churn replete with crackling trails of red-hot feedback and of course lots of Van Wissems timeless lute twinkles offsetting them at various points. It‘s a woozy, smoky, earthy sound, like people in a room playing instruments in a slow, dark and atmospheric way. I just listened to it all the way through, despite the fact I still have several reviews to do before the weekly mailout, and I enjoyed it very much.