





Accordone continues on its journey through Italian music in this second project devoted to the seven-teenth century, a time of extraordinary literary and musical diversity. The birth of opera - this disc’s nod in the direction of Monteverdi’s Orfeo is crucial - is one of the many signs of a relationship between text and music that is in full evolution. More simply put, the reign of polyphony is giving way to that of an accompanied monody that will touch the listener and excite his emotion by seeking, more than an immutable relationship with the divine, the intrinsic drama of human relationships. With Recitar Cantando we are plunged into the early years of the seventeenth century and this superbly conceived programme presents an alternation of the essential works of the repertory – the scene of the Messaggera or the fascinating Combattimento by Monteverdi, the Aria di Romanesca by Frescobaldi – with more rarely recorded pieces, for example Cherubino Busatti’s light Angela Siete that opens the disc, the silky music of Giulio Caccini, together with a few instrumental pieces such as the two sonatas for violins by Giovan Battista Fontana. In addition, Guido Morini’s presentation text, which no doubt will prove polemical, casts new light on the performance of the music of this period. The role call of Accordone is impressive: Enrico Gatti, Rossella Croce, Svetlana Fomina, Gaetano Nasillo, Stefano Rocco, Franco Pavan and Guido Morini form a diverse and colourful continuo to accompany the warm, full-flavoured, impulsive, theatrical voice with the so special yet natural tone-colour of Marco Beasley. Beasley pushes back still further the boundaries of his musical pursuits by showing he is a complete artiste whose voice, having reached extraordinary maturity, enables him to venture into an innovative and unforgettable interpretation of this richly complex repertory. Accordone’s alchemy is perfect in this repertory of the early Baroque. Very different from the Frottole, this disc should be consumed without more ado!