曾经被形容成「Psychocandy+Loveless」,德州奥斯汀瞪鞋队伍Ringo Deathstarr貌似承受着业界更为深刻的讽语,批评归批评,一旦放出〈In Love〉、〈Rats Live On Evil Star〉Ride式递进铺排,鲜有人不欲随其摆首。出道三年多的处女作《Colour Trip》荣归名厂Club AC30掌权,今年情人节发售。虽然双肩各压JAMC和MBV两块巨岩,并顶冒九成会被说为「Copycat」风险,乐团却能轻松坦然、细致耐心磨打声音棱角,梳理行歌结绊,他们已然明了前辈效块里的迷漫白噪唾手可得,而顺畅美醉的旋律气氛才是自身功底核心。看来Ringo Deathstarr成功把争议平息,将众位看官收进缤纷瞪鞋之旅,使的正是「对味好听」一招。
by Tim Sendra
Ringo Deathstarr may be based in Texas in the year 2011 but they sound like they were beamed into the future from London circa 1990. No doubt wearing bowl cuts and stripey shirts. Their debut album, Colour Trip, is more of a nostalgia trip as they delve deeply into shoegaze, dream pop, noise pop, and generally seem to be auditioning for a spot on the Creation roster between My Bloody Valentine and Ride. How you feel about the album probably has a lot to do with how you feel about nostalgia, imitation, and immersing yourself so totally in the style of your influences that you sound exactly like them. If you take a more positive stance, you can commend the trio’s skill at re-creation, and marvel at how “Chloe” is a perfect MBV-meets-Medicine … » Read more