




Sex Pistols
Sex Pistols Residuals



★滚石杂志「过去20年来最经典专辑」+「史上500张经典专辑」,入列NME、HMV Group、The Guardian、Q、VH1、Kerrang!、Time百大名单

★发行35周年纪念加收:“No Feeling”、“Did You No Wrong”、“No Fun”、“Satellite”等4首B面曲,以及1977年于瑞典斯德哥尔摩与英国Penzance的现场演唱歌曲

寿命最短、名气最旺、评价极高、深具话题性的庞克经典乐团Sex Pistols,来自英国伦敦,是开启70年代庞克潮流的先锋部队之一,他们以简单和弦用力狂刷,声嘶力竭的放胆高唱愤怒青年的心声,以一首接一首的无政府主义之歌,极尽讽刺并穿插污言秽语,将反叛思维抛向世俗社会,逐渐转换成一种整合音乐、服装与个人意识主张的广义文化风格。

1977年发行的唯一一张录音室专辑【Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols】,在多方压力和限制下,仍然吸引为数众多的追随者力挺,直奔英国金榜冠军宝座,快速获颁白金销售认证。大快人心的替市井小民发声,也获得媒体乐评一面倒的赞誉推崇。NME于1993年第二度票选下占据「史上最佳专辑」亚军、滚石杂志「过去20年来最经典专辑」排在Beatles的「Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band」之后第二位、同列「史上500张经典专辑」,还入列HMV Group、The Guardian、Q、VH1、Kerrang!、Time的百大名单,加上allmusic与Spin满分评鉴力挺,这张在庞克年代、甚至是流行区块最重要的经典,绝对不能错过!为庆祝专辑发行35周年,特别推出2CD纪念盘,除了加收“No Feeling”、“Did You No Wrong”、“No Fun”、“Satellite”等4首B面曲之外,CD2则收录多首1977年于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩以及英国小城Penzance的现场演唱歌曲,这些录音大多数从未发行过,相当罕见且弥足珍贵!

As one of the most iconic and influential albums in music history ‘Never Mind The Bollocks, Here’s The Sex Pistols’ still sounds as powerful and unique as ever, 35 years since the original release. As such an important musical and cultural force the album changed the landscape for records and the music industry.

The original master tapes from the ‘Never Mind The Bollocks, Here’s The Sex Pistols’ recording sessions in 1977 were thought to be lost for many years. Now thankfully rediscovered during the recent move from Virgin Records to Universal Music Catalogue in January 2012 the tapes have been remastered, for the very first time, by Tim Young under direction from original producer Chris Thomas. Some real treats have also been found along the way. The find that will perhaps excite fans the most is the lost 1977 demo studio recording of ‘Belsen Was A Gas’, the only original Sex Pistols composition of the era thought not to be recorded.

Other treats include the inclusion of six demos first included on the infamous ‘Spunk’ bootleg album, released for the very first time in their original, untouched form following the very recent discovery of their original master tapes. These, combined with a selection of unreleased Chris Thomas demo’s and outtakes from the recording of the album – including tracks with Sid Vicious on bass – plus a wealth of live audio and visual material all from 1977 make up a box set that will truly satisfy fans of the band.
