Quickly following Zero, their critically acclaimed debut CD, British keyboardist Carolyn Hume and drummer Paul May released By Lakes Abandoned in April 2001. They walk the same jazz/not-jazz tightrope as before, although this time the results sound more focused and mature. May provides steady rhythm patterns, but they can get quite complicated listen to the subtle metric shifts in \"Furreging.\" He mostly uses brushes or his hands and concentrates on hi-hat and cymbals, all ingredients for very laid-back grooves. This relaxed atmosphere is enhanced by Hume\'s frequent use of the electric piano, laying down soft, dreamy chord progressions suitable for a foggy morning in backyard England. She also plays the piano on a handful of tracks, delicately hinting at melodies, always respectful of tonality. On a couple occasions, she resorts to synthesizer sounds to create textures. The music belongs as much to instrumental new age music as to a form of very relaxed jazz in the vein of some of the \'90s projects from the Canterbury scene. Some post-rock lovers might even detect links to Tortoise\'s music. Coming from a cutting-edge source of avant-garde music such as Leo Records, By Lakes Abandoned is a bit puzzling. But its charm and broader appeal are undeniable.