Chad Lawson(查德·劳森)是屡获殊荣的作曲家和钢琴家,他的曲风非常静谧而舒缓,有着Ludovico Einaudi的简约,Jim Brickman的现代感和Brian Crain的安详,这张出色的专辑也获得了新世纪钢琴界权威网站Mainly Piano的至高荣誉:2009年最佳独奏钢琴专辑奖。
@Music Wind:Ballade in c minor by Chad Lawson
I'm so lost
every time I hear this
every single keyboard
every single note
so sad
so longing
so blue
so drunk
I simply don't want to get out[水滴][水滴][嘴唇][嘴唇]
@Music Wind:Every time I hear it, I stop, following the flow of drops of piano, into the path of beauty and solitude...💦💙💦
@Music Wind:I love it
ballade in c minor
I simply can't resist the temptations of listening to it again and again
@Music Wind(Ocean Sound):I love it
ballade in c minor
@Daybreak(Inner peace):Music is god's greatest gift to mankind, only music can explain the quiet and peace
-- Tchaikovsky
@Music Wind(Ocean Sound):I love it
ballade in c minor