◎由炙手可热的Howard Benson(Creed、Kelly Clarkson)+Joe Barresi(Queens Of The Stone Age、Coheed And Cambria)联手掌舵,登记芬兰亚军+美国Top31
◎Bush乐团支柱Gavin Rossdale、Post-Grunge新贵Shinedown主唱Brent Smith、鞭打金属天团Slayer鼓手Dave Lombardo、摇滚女声乐团Flyleaf领导Lacey Mosley友情站台
来自芬兰着名西贝流士音乐学院的Eicca Toppinen、Max Lilja、Antero Manninen与Paavo Lotjonen,突发奇想的用大提琴将鞭打金属大团Metallica作品另类演绎一番。1996年推出首张作品《Plays Metallica By Four Cellos》,其中出神入化的琴艺与创意,让乐迷惊叹连连,也闯出了国际知名度,就连Metallica本尊也讚赏不已,邀约担任巡演嘉宾。2002年Max Lilja脱队,换上Mikko Siren入替,Apocalyptica以更为熟稔的精准掌握,将那摇滚音符再度谱出迷人的惊叹号!第6张录音室大碟《Worlds Collide》,不仅在欧洲各榜写下漂亮战绩,更惊见日本的布袋寅泰、Slipknot与Stone Sour灵魂人物Corey Taylor、德国工业团Rammstein主唱Til Lindemann、Slayer鼓手Dave Lombardo等巨星级人物助阵发声!
酝酿长达3年,Apocalyptica再接再厉发行第7张录音室大碟《7th Symphony》,由炙手可热的Howard Benson(Creed、Kelly Clarkson)+Joe Barresi(Queens Of The Stone Age、Coheed And Cambria)联手掌舵,登记芬兰亚军+美国Top31。开场长达7分多钟的〈At The Gates Of Manala〉,火力全开的激爆绝对炙热金属音浪,拉弦的颤动一再翻搅沸腾频率;倚着Post-Grunge风格成功入侵美国领土之英伦团队Bush的支柱Gavin Rossdale,在〈End Of Me〉施展摄人气魄;来自佛罗里达州的Post-Grunge新贵Shinedown主唱Brent Smith负责〈Not Strong Enough〉,包覆美派另类摇滚的浓厚气味;有葛莱美「最佳金属演出」大奖肯定的鞭打金属天团Slayer鼓手Dave Lombardo加持〈2010〉,虽无演唱伴随,却仍透着直轰脑门的超快感;狂飙黑暗诡谲气氛与嘶声烈吼嗓音,继伊凡塞斯又一摇滚女声新锐乐团Flyleaf的领导Lacey Mosley站台〈Broken Pieces〉,完全巾帼不让鬚眉的令人刮目相看;还有法国Gojira的主唱/吉他手Joe Duplantier,组装Thrash/Death Metal的极度破坏声线!
by Phil Freeman
Apocalyptica was a cool concept to begin with: four classical cellists playing arrangements of Metallica songs. But that was their first EP, and that was a long time ago. Now they play instrumental hard rock and bring in guest vocalists, and the returns have diminished. "End of Me" features former Bush vocalist Gavin Rossdale. Brent Smith of Shinedown shows up for "Not Strong Enough," a power ballad that sounds like a performance from a televised country music awards show. When the cellos are fed through pedals, the sound can be quite impressive, like a guitar, but five times more room-filling and powerful. And the members of Apocalyptica do use many different effects on their instruments, occasionally creating sounds not unlike those you might hear on a Sunn 0))) album. The best track on 7th Symphony is "2010," which features a guest performance by Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo, who drives the music ferociously, like a speeding train straight into hell. But too often, using cellos to play metal riffs (as on "Bring Them to Light," which features vocalist Joseph Duplantier of French avant-metallers Gojira) just winds up making the album sound like "A String Tribute to [Insert Metal Band Here]," and not in the cool, rethinking-the-material way that earlier Apocalyptica releases did.