丹麦另类二人组合The Raveonettes近几年的量产惊人,能再次听到Sharin Foo的斑斓女声不得不说是种享受。乐队一路走来的老本行就是噪音吉他,以及强烈鲜明的电气效果。虽然也贵为主音,但是Sune Rose Wagner更多的还是负责吉他以及和声背景的部分,而Sharin的深邃吟唱已经让我产生了着迷的状态,至少那副嗓音在我听来是极具性感魅力的。即使狂躁的吉他如何宣泄,轰鸣的电气再如何肆虐,都停止不了这种穿透力的声音,和The Raveonettes的编曲旋律一样,始终有种蠢蠢欲动,瞬间爆发的快感。也许你会觉得这种音乐氛围吵闹不堪,但细心聆听,你会依稀发现鲜明的旋律还是如此入耳,美妙,更加增添了一份朦胧的魅影。
The Raveonettes Sharin Foo and Sune Rose Wagner are excited to announce the release of their new album ''Observator,'' out September 11th on VICE Records. Throughout their impressive career the Danish duo has explored sonic territories ranging from lush pop songs to reverb drenched soundscapes and continually celebrated life through songwriting. All of these forms are evident in ''Observator,'' sumptuous and beautiful in its sound, but bleak and sad at it's heart.