《Pathogen》是 Two Steps From Hell 这个公司制作并发行于2007年的一张音乐专辑,其中收录的都是他们为好莱坞大片预告片制作的配乐,关注国外大片的道友应该不会陌生。歌曲都是气势磅礴、有点震憾的,第一轨就已彰显他们的风格。
A stunning fusion of Electronica, Dark metal, Orchestra and Other-Worldly Rock. 18 original compositions from Two Steps co-founder: Nick Phoenix.
"I've been wanting to do a cd like this for years, but somehow I just couldn't pull it off till now. I retro-fitted my studio with a ton of analogue gear and recorded many rock tracks at Cello in Hollywood, while it was closed to the public. Most tracks do not introduce any orchestra until late in the piece, so you can go with the pure electronica/rock vibe or use the artfully done, symbiotic, electronic/ orchestra hybrid sections. Pathogen has a lot of driving electronica, but also features other-worldly rock and eerie, horror rock tracks, as well. Pathogen is set up as a listening experience, and so is not categorized. This is perhaps the most fun I've had as a composer, and the tracks are fun to listen to, as well." -Nick Phoenix