演奏:RCA Victor交响乐团
ASIN: B00000GV4H
《假面舞会小丑意大利随想曲西班牙随想曲》这张发烧天碟由录音史上的传奇人物,RCA当年的掌门录音师刘易斯·雷顿操刀完成,拥有着令人震撼的音效,加上荣获俄国最高艺术荣誉称号“苏联人民艺术家”的孔德拉申指挥RCA Victor交响乐团如骤雨般的演奏,使得无论是哈恰图良《假面舞会》的轻松娱乐、卡巴列夫斯基《小丑》的嬉耍喧闹、柴科夫斯基《意大利随想曲》的轻快活泼和里姆斯基-科萨科夫《西班牙随想曲》的风格多变,都在这里一一呈现!
录音的频响、动态、各个声部的相位分布、高低音和声层次,擦弦声、呼吸声也都清晰可辩。美国《立体声》杂志的一位评论员将它评为“10+ +”级最高级示范录音,而在发烧唱片市场上,本碟也一直作为音响效果最佳示范片而广受发烧友的青睐。
01-05:假面舞会 06-15:小丑 16:意大利随想曲 17-21:西班牙随想曲
conductor:Kirill Kondrashin
philharmonic:RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra
ASIN: B00000GV4H
Kondrashin came to the U.S. in 1958 to conduct concerts for Van Cliburn. While he was recording the Tchaikovsky First Piano Concerto with Cliburn, RCA also had him make these recordings (originally two LPs) with pickup musicians in New Yorks Manhattan Center. The nucleus of the orchestra was composed of members of the old NBC Symphony, and the ensemble plays splendidly, with violinist Oscar Shumsky earning his solo credit. Kondrashin leads spirited performances of these warhorses, mostly music so vulgar we should be ashamed of enjoying it as much as we do. RCAs famous "Living Stereo" sound has transferred splendidly to this CD, making it an exquisite, guilty pleasure.