by Dave Thompson
The problem for any band whose career sputtered after just a couple of albums, but a clutch of classic 45s is the fact that, particularly in the CD age, all the compilations start to look and sound the same after a while. Especially when you move into budget territory. And so Can You Do It essentially reprises the three-year-old The Best Of Geordie, adding a couple of songs and substituting a few more, but still telling basically the same story, via the same barrage of indisputable classics. With one major caveat - among the new arrivals is "All Because Of You", the song whose omission so hamstringed The Best Of; among the omissions is "Don't Do That", the band's 1972 debut hit. But the rest of the set is bang on the nail, and anyone seeking an introduction to one of British rock's most under-rated bands should start right here.