by J. Edward Keyes
Spiky post-punk outfit The Rogers Sisters are one of the few acts in the current crop to revive the genre's progressive political leanings. With a cover adorned with pictures of George W. Bush, Martha Stewart, and a twenty-dollar bill folded to replicate the collapsing World Trade Center, Purely Evil uses recent events as a springboard for cagey, bristling rock and roll. While most of the post-2000 practitioners of avant-rock have come off like mimeographed hipsters, The Rogers Sisters' frenetic B-52's-meets-early-XTCstutter is consistently infectious and surprising. Basslines pop and snap like rubber bands beneath Jennifer Rogers' and Miyuki Furtado's hiccupping, spastic vocals. "Delayed Reaction" is the greatest song The Cure never wrote, boasting an ominous bassline that snakes like a caterpillar through a guitar line that could have been grafted from Seventeen Seconds. The Rogers Sisters bare their fangs on "Now they Know," attacking "beautifully grand" rock messiahs -- and the critics who adore them -- before finally, bravely confessing "and I wish it was me." Purely Evil is a shot of adrenaline, a post-punk record that's hopped up on caffeine and The Economist, a record at last where style and substance occur in equal proportion.