Toni Braxton传出复出的消息,最新发行个人第7张专辑《Pulse》。 在进入流行音乐歌坛的7年中,Toni Braxton尝到了成为超级天后的滋味,也经历了因破产而跌落人生谷底的挣扎。所幸之后得到迪士尼音乐剧‘美女与野兽’的表演机会,将她从低潮的深渊拉了上来,重新拾回自信。 在一切苦难终将烟消云散之际,Toni Braxton重新展现出她对生命的正面态度,再次以特有的动人嗓音,表现出自我创造力的成长与反映出真实生活的写照。
睽违5年之久移居Atlantic Records怀抱,美丽黑珍珠呈献期盼许久的新碟“Pulse”,交付DJ Frank E(玛丹娜、佛罗里达)+David Foster(席琳狄翁、玛丽亚凯莉)+Harvey Mason, Jr.(布兰妮、里欧娜)+Lucas Secon(凯莉、小野猫)+The Underdogs(碧昂丝、史奴比狗狗)+Oak(珍妮佛洛培兹、珍妮佛哈德森)+Steve Mac(苏珊大婶、西城男孩)等坚强幕后黄金团队齐力掌舵。第一波狠甩劈腿男,活出独立女性真我的“Yesterday”,伴随高潮起伏的演绎情绪,张力十足的交出绝对动听歌谣,登陆R &B榜第12名位置;复古Funky Soul串联Electro-Pop律动而成的“Make My Heart”,时髦地摇摆出闪亮节拍,勾引与之共舞欲望,蓄势待发入选2010年主打;又一催泪舒缓曲“Hands Tied”、“Woman”,琴键曼妙弹奏穿绕下,不时洒入细微电子颗粒陪衬,谱出讨喜且节奏感十足的小品;快乐拼贴出Electro Dance音网的“Lookin’ At Me”,必能赢取各夜店DJ们的欢心;一听就爱不释手的“Wardrobe”,爽朗的Acoustic加上轻快又不可思议的Groove感追随,很有瞄准排行的潜力;还有“Pulse”、“Why Won’t You Love Me”,藉由笔下细腻词藻描述,并跟随Toni精心设计的音乐脉动,来一趟华丽的爱情冒险!
Pulse is the seventh studio album by American R&B singer–songwriter Toni Braxton, released May 4, 2010, on Atlantic Records. It is her first album in five years and serves as her debut for the Atlantic label after signing a new record deal. Production for the album took place during September 2008 to March 2010 and was handled by several record producers, including David Foster, Harvey Mason, Jr., Frank E, Oak, Lucas Secon, and Dapo Torimiro. Pulse features up-tempo songs and R&B ballads with production varying from smooth to dance-based styles.
The album debuted at number nine on the US Billboard 200 chart, selling 54,000 copies in its first week. It became Braxton's fifth US top-ten album and produced three singles that achieved moderate chart success. Upon its release, Pulse received positive reviews from most music critics. As of April 11, 2011, Pulse has sold 145,000 copies in the United States.