“刀”乐队(the Knife)是由来自瑞典的兄妹俩Olof Dreijer和Karin Dreijer Andersson共同组建,在目前为止所发行的3张作品中,每张作品都较之前作有质的提升。上张作品是2004年的专辑《深切》(Deep Cuts),其中着名的单曲《心跳》(Heartbeats)后来还被独立音乐界的新新艺人乔斯·冈萨雷斯(JoséGonzalez)予以去电后的翻唱演绎,而“刀”乐队的原作品则是裹杂着混乱而撕裂般的鼓击采样、欢快的硬核节拍以及无伤大雅的合成器流行乐风的即兴演奏。这次的新专辑《沉默中呐喊》,“刀”乐队音乐表现得更加具有紧绷和压迫的气势,合成器的声响更加凸显科技色彩的光泽,兄妹俩由此营造出一种特殊的音乐情境,最终再一次完美地呈现给聆听者新全的独特电子舞曲之声。《沉默中呐喊》将当代的电子声响与诡异色彩的奇异风格人声融合营造而成极具压迫感和冷血的音乐气质,这的确会让聆听者的空间沾染上些许的“鬼气”。
对于《沉默中呐喊》,除了上面提到的诡异色彩外,它也是一部能鼓舞人心的音乐作品。此时可以看出,Dreijer对于音乐的编排更加胸有成竹和随时间推移显现出来的稳健锐意进取姿态:单曲《梦幻岛》(Neverland)中突出的打击器乐与合成器闪烁的光亮之间的交相辉映;单曲《我们共享母亲的健康》(We Share Our Mother's Health)中所呈现的具空间立体感的玻璃镜像般的音色大厅。在这张新作品中,Dreijer在简约和非谐和两者之间成功地取到绝佳的平衡着力点。
但作品中也有美中不足的地方,Andersson的声音魅力未能充分展现便是其中之一,在2004年的单曲作品《心跳》中,Andersson就已证明了她那尖细发颤的女声(想象一下比·约克)对于神秘气质音乐阐释的天然性完美搭衬,可这一点在《沉默中呐喊》并没有得到较好地表现。这张专辑中,在电子创作手法下,她的声音被切分为若乾音轨,通常这都是为了最终可以真实地再现人声潜伏前行的现实聆听乐感。在专辑的开首同名曲中,她的声音如同是与鬼魅合演一出二重奏;《上尉》(The Captain)中,她的声音则被置于兴奋不已的拼贴切换之中,渲染出一种颇具东方韵味的缥缈情境;《依旧明亮》(Still Light)则似乎是躺在病床上的她向虚空发出孱弱无力的柔声叹息;《一击》(One Hit)则是整部作品中唯一凸显她的声音神秘性色彩的单曲。
《沉默中呐喊》一定可以成为季度最佳专辑的候选之一,但我们更希望藉此专辑可以激发更多音乐上的想象力和执意进取态度;毕竟,不管电子音乐本身是如何的躁狂和于内部不断的演化,它永远也无法达到与外部世界同等程度的异彩纷呈,而这中间,就需要更多像“刀”乐队这样的音乐艺人。 (八面互动娱乐 陶瑞/文)
by Heather Phares
The remoteness of the Knife (aka Olof and Karin Dreijer) and the chilliness of their music makes it easy to conjure up images of the duo working in a studio that resembles the Fortress of Solitude, playing instruments carved out of ice. But if the vibrant pop of Deep Cuts was like the northern lights, then Silent Shout is a sunless, vast expanse of tundra. A much darker, more ambitious set of songs than the Knife's previous work, the album finds the Dreijers stretching their sonics and downplaying the overt poppiness of Deep Cuts and The Knife. But, while Silent Shout isn't as whimsical or immediate as the Knife has been in the past, it's just as inventive, if not more so. Karin Dreijer's vocals are more striking than ever; treated as another instrument in the arrangements, they're layered, pitch-shifted, and tweaked until there's almost nothing left but tones and emotions. Her tweaked whispers on &Silent Shout& add to the song's pulsing, restrained, but very real menace; on &Na Na Na,& she sounds like an alien diva. Likewise, Karin's whimsical, detailed lyrics also have a darker cast, offering glimpses of strange people in stranger situations. &From Off to On& deals with voyeurism and TV addicts; on &Like a Pen,& Dreijer describes a character's struggle with body issues with disturbing clarity: &Sharpen my body like a pen...something too small for a lens.& Many of the album's songs -- especially &Forest Families,& &The Captain,& and &Still Light& -- have a hushed, eerie intensity, but Silent Shout also sets off flares of emotion against its frosty backdrops. The fantastic single &We Share Our Mother's Health& is sleek yet chaotic, with marauding vocals set against frantic synths and beats that sound like the aural equivalent of blood bouncing on ice. The equally fantastic but completely different-sounding &Marble House& -- which was inspired by the classic French film The Umbrellas of Chebourg -- embodies doomed romance with its gliding melody and brittle castanet rhythms. The Knife eventually shows off its more playful side with the lumbering, cartoonishly macho &One Hit,& which gives the album's sinister bent a mischievous twist. Truly unique -- even for a group as different as this one is -- Silent Shout is the Knife's most compelling work yet.