2000年成立,2006年发行第四张专辑,在后摇界里Mono也可以算是高产了。新专辑《You Are There》延续了上作《Walking Cloud and Deep Red Sky, Flag Fluttered and the Sun Shined》的风格走向,没有了《One Step More And You Die》时期偏执狂似的爆发,也不再象《Under The Pipal Tree》那么甜美,氛围大气得令人迷醉。袁智聪先生说过Mogwai是典型的Quiet-Loud-Quiet结构,那Mono又何尝不是?长篇的作品没有令人失望,完全地凸现了他们大气的特点。在“The Flames Beyond The Cold Mountain”里对安静和爆发时机的掌握恰到好处,而“A Heart Has Asked For The Pleasure”的爆发则来得更突然、更猛烈一些。(转自eMule)
Throughout their six-year career, this Japanese quartet has ascended consistently in both popularity and critical acclaim. But still elusive is the successful translation of their powerful and violently beautiful live performances to their recordings, until now. Once again recorded by Steve Albini, the album extends the cinematic drama of 2003's &Walking Cloud And Deep Red Sky, Flag Fluttered And The Sun Shined& while surpassing the sinister heaviness of 2002's lauded &One Step More And You Die&. If &Walking Cloud& was a nuclear winter, then &You Are There& is the post-war rebirth. This band isn't heavy like Black Sabbath. They're heavy like Beethoven.