这张ep算是Ulver做Techno/Electronical的热身专辑。听得出Ulver有相当多的good idea,但经验未免不足,整体感不够好(Perdition City和后来的Teaching In Silence在这方面做的相当好)。专辑第一首就有很浓的电子味,强劲的电子节拍,听起来像那种电子舞曲……刚听到时真是吓我一跳——Ulver也做过这种东西……第二首唱的部分很好听,个人很喜欢这首~第三首加了钢琴,在琴声的衬托下整首曲子显得十分诡异。第四首,Ulver的晦涩风格出露端倪,好几分钟没有一点声音(Themes From William Blake's...的最后一首,十几分钟没有声音,这回没那么狠哈哈~)这张ep依然适合晚上听。
Metamorphosis is an EP by Norwegian avant-garde/black metal band Ulver.
This album acts as a turning point in Ulver's dynamic sound. Following the avant-garde sound of the Themes from William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell album, Metamorphosis becomes the first product of Ulver's new electronic sound. Thus it is perhaps fittingly called Metamorphosis.