




Touch and Go


去年从电视看到时装品牌Kenzo的Amour系列香水之广告短片,传来的广告歌曲,是CocoRosie取自其2004年首张专辑La Maison de mon Reve内一首幽悒而美丽的Freak Folk曲目Good Friday。我心想:这队由Sierra Casady和Biana Casady姊妹花所组成、风格耐人寻味的美国纽约乐团,如今也要「入屋」。

毋庸置疑,CocoRosie是一支风格相当别树一帜的组合:Sierra和Bianca以各具异禀的嗓音带来的双主音演唱;她们的歌曲每每糅合着古朴的美国民歌,爵士与蓝调音乐的底蕴,电音与Hip Hop制作形式,甚至古典歌剧元素而来。打造出一种凄美、迷蒙、幽暗、梦呓、神秘而带点鬼魅的音乐异色。

CocoRosie的2007年新作The Adventures Of Ghosthorse & Stillborn,是她们的第三张专辑——这是一张灵感取材自Wee Willie Winkie这位睡前故事小孩人物的概念专辑。今天CocoRosie已从纽约布鲁克林而返回法国巴黎定居(Sierra和Bianca为分别出生於爱奥华及夏威夷的美国人,但CocoRosie却是成军於法国巴黎。),而这张新作也是在巴黎灌录。

从La Maison de mon Reve到2005年的Noah's Ark在音乐上发生的演进,如今在The Adventures Of Ghosthorse & Stillborn里的声音来得更见修饰,也是可以预料到的事。所以当中我们已找不着La Maison de mon Reve时的Lo-Fi音质,连昔日的迷幻民歌底蕴也荡然无存。

毕竟The Adventures Of Ghosthorse & Stillborn担纲监制,是近年跟Bjork合作无间、也曾为Mum、Slowblow、Sigur Ros操刀的冰岛制作人Valgeir Sigurdsson,他对今天CocoRosie的声音无疑构成了一定的影响。以往Bianca在某程度上的演绎方式,都被拿来跟Bjork作相提并论,再听今次的Promise、Werewolf和Raphael等歌曲,都明显地渲染上Bjork的影子(尤其是後者的竖琴弹奏为与Bjork的近作乃异曲同工)。同时,Rainbowarriors则叫我联想到日本女子组合Cibo Matto从前的Trip Hop歌曲呢。

今次的CocoRosie仍不乏一些黑暗的歌德式题材,如短短的一曲Bloody Twins在音乐盒乐韵与幽灵般的梦呓歌声下,所说是一对在维多利亚时代总是穿着黑寡妇丧服的暹逻双胞胎——在唱片封面上Sierra和Bianca正是在扮演她们吧。Werewolf则犹如一出浪漫的殭屍电影。


当然,Sunshine的惨白孤零,Black Poppies的萧条古朴,那又怎会不令人听得萦绕心头呢。碟末黯然欲绝的Miracle再次有Antony Hegarty(Antony & The Johnsons)客串献声,彷佛是上次Beautiful Boyz的延续篇。

没错,我们在The Adventures Of Ghosthorse & Stillborn内找不到另一首Good Friday,但我却欣然看到CocoRosie在音乐上的蜕变。(袁智聪)

It would be very easy for CocoRosie to make merely ornamental music and focus only on the pretty, ethereal sound that was so charming on La Maison de Mon Rêve. Fortunately, Sierra and Bianca Casady have more ambition than that, and they've managed to craft very different identities for each of their albums — no small feat, especially since their approach is so distinctive. On The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn, they combine the cleanest, most polished-sounding production to appear on a CocoRosie album with a stark hip-hop influence, making this the duo's most focused, and strangest, album yet. The sisters explore this polarity throughout The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn, opening the album with the bold, jaunty beats of "Rainbow Warriors" and following it with the much more delicate trip-hop of "Promise." Switching back and forth between mischievous, endearingly awkward moments and one of breathtaking beauty like day and night, or waking and dreaming, it's almost as if the album posits each of the Casadys' talents as opposing viewpoints. The tracks Bianca takes the lead on are bright and outrageous, like "Japan," which bounces along like the Mad Hatter's tea party as she sings, "Everybody wants to go to Iraq/But once you go there, you don't come back." The song's topsy-turvy feel only deepens when Sierra's eerie background vocals turn into a cheery trumpet melody. Meanwhile, "Black Poppies" and the other songs Sierra dominates delve even deeper into the narcotic chansons of La Maison de Mon Rêve and Noah's Ark. Her singing on The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn is her finest yet, especially on the middle-of-the-day lullaby "Sunshine" and "Miracle," where she has much more power and range than some of her previous kitten-ish Billie Holiday impersonations would suggest. The playful arrangements that are so vital to CocoRosie's sound come into sharper focus on this album, too, with a toy box's worth of sound effects adding poignancy and whimsy to "Animals" and harp and trumpet deepening "Raphael"'s mournful beauty. The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn's densely packed sounds and ideas are a lot to process, but they're what makes this album rewarding on repeated listens — and what makes CocoRosie's yin-yang, fractured fairy tale sound still surprising three albums into their career.
