Gary Moore 全新大碟 Bad For You Baby,来自北爱尔兰的蓝调大师是 Blues 乐坛的一个传奇人物,被 Peter Green 吸引而进入音乐世界,又因被 Peter Green 赏识成为一个职业的歌手,并因为出色的吉他演奏技巧和融合了 Blues、Rock 和民谣的风格,而被奉为 Blues 历史上的经典。Gary Moore 的演奏早期富于激情,有些类似硬摇滚,后期的曲风更偏于蓝调摇滚的一派。旋律优美,力量感和节奏感让人情不自禁的融入其中。 Gary Moore is acknowledged as one of the finest guitarists that the British Isles has ever produced. In a career that dates back to the sixties、Moore has graced the line-ups of several notable rock bands including Thin Lizzy、Colosseum II and Skid Row、to name but three、and to this day maintains a highly successful solo career. With his latest studio album "Bad For You Baby"、Gary continues with the sequence of blues rock albums that he began on Eagle Records with "Old、New、Ballads、Blues" and continued on "Close As You Get". Mixing original tunes with Blues classics that Gary has rediscovered、"Bad For You Baby" reaffirms Moore's exceptional talent as a guitarist and his deep insight into and feel for the Blues as a living musical form