by Stewart Mason
Album titles don't lie. Black for Death: An Icelandic Odyssey, Pt. 2 is not only a goth metal concept album, it's the second half of a two-part goth-metal concept album! The waves of pretension fairly ooze off of the cover art. As on the first half, Red for Fire: An Icelandic Odyssey, Pt. 1, historical-sociological lyrics roughly as deep as those of Spinal Tap's "Stonehenge" describe visions of some kind of Viking mythology. As if that weren't enough, the music combines symphonic death metal flourishes with that peculiarly weedy kind of Scandinavian prog metal that features twiddly synthesizer bits played very fast, as if at least one member of the duo wanted to be Rick Wakeman when he grew up. As such records go, it's not entirely useless: there's a melodic strength to the songs that allows them to support the more baroque excesses in a way that straight riff-and-stomp metal never could. It's just that there's way too much giggleworthiness to fight through on the way to the good stuff.