




Duke Special
Universal Music


The more he realises himself as a musician, the less I get what Duke Special is doing. Which is, oddly, a good thing. Peter Wilson's debut album, 'Songs From The Deep Forest', was disappointing because it didn't encapsulate the quirky alter ego's sound at all. It was far too polished and aimed too obviously at the Coldplay market. Songs such as 'Freewheel' had lost their spirit, abandoned as they were in the middle of the road.

Happily, the production sheen is absent on 'I Never Thought This Day Would Come', the follow-up that wastes no time in being released. The sound is much more rickety, and much warmer as a result. Straight after the beautiful opener, you have 'Sweet Sweet Kisses', a compelling if somewhat vague sounding dancehall romp.

The same goes for (the incongruously titled) 'Those Proverbs We Made In The Winter Must End'.

Songs such as the title track sound like they are being played through a dusty needle, which is no harm when Maykay from Fight Like Apes is busy stealing the show on backing vocals. No, this is much more like it.

Wilson has also surrounded himself with some pretty good operators, includ­­ing guitarist Iain Archer, and has co-written with Bernard Butler of Suede fame, among many others. Fans of Foy Vance will also be happy as Wilson does his bit for the North's arts community.

This is a far better thought out album too, with Wilson's lyric-writing proving much stronger. Although no less concerned with affairs of the heart, he at least finds a way to explain himself without constantly resorting to the first person. Again, this was something that grated on the first album.

'Flesh and Blood Dance' is probably the closest Duke Special gets to Tom Waits (musically, if not vocally), even if Waits' presence is never far away at any time. The album closes with a suitably "oompah oompah" tune entitled 'Nothin' You Could Do Can Bring Me Round', and overall this is a fine album.

Having adopted his stage name only relatively recently, Wilson, you feel, is only just getting comfortable in his outfit as a musician. Another album like this and he may emulate his living hero Neil Hannon. A few more and the world may be his oyster.
