by Jonathan Widran
David Arkenstone has been a master new age multi-instrumentalist who has taken listeners on numerous exciting synth-driven voyages over the years, most recently with interesting projects he's done with his wife Diane titled Trance World and Ancient Voices. David Arkenstone is on hand to lend his wife -- a composer, keyboardist, and vocalist -- support on keyboards, but it's clear very quickly that Diane Arkenstone is less interested in musical traveling than simply meditating and reflecting. Her music is lush and ambient, and some of those native vibes make the opening track "The Secret Garden" engaging as they mix with a choir comprised of her own voice. "The Angel's Voice" allows her solo operatic pipes to soar over a murky harp-like effect, while "A Gentle Touch" features a graceful flute melody. "Dreamscape" is, as its title promises, all mysticism and trance-inducing. Her focus is so much on gentle, mind-embracing atmospheres that the melodies don't really stand out. And there's not much rhythmic variation to distinguish songs from track to track. But maybe that's the point. Just pop it in, sit back, relax, and dream -- and for that it's a perfect soundtrack. The disc's title makes it clear, however, that she's interested in spiritual health, and you could view this disc as a journey toward that. It would just be nice if there would be a little more of interest besides cool atmospheres and standout elements from track to track.