Club 8来瑞典发迹于西班牙,曲风清新、甜美有如雨後初绽的花朵,绽放着醉人的扑鼻芬芳,有着初恋般的青涩和纯情。继ABBA、Roxette之後扬名国际的瑞典超级乐团
发迹于西班牙「午睡Siesta」厂牌的Club 8是来自瑞典的双人组,曾引起本地乐迷广大回响;《Nouvelle》是Club 8多张专辑中最青涩纯情的处女代表作,未曾听过这张专辑,几乎可算是没听过 Club 8。专辑中,Club 8 惯有的清新、甜美,如雨後初绽的花朵,绽放着醉人的扑鼻芬芳,有如一泓清溪,蜿蜒穿越充满奇花异草的心情森林;歌词方面,Club 8以看似简单直接的行文方式,却深深触及最私密的恋人絮语,体现纤细易感的心,诙谐、狡黠,掀开现代人内心的深层秘密。从开场曲 "Breakdown",到本专辑最後三首的bonus tracks,女主唱甜美清澈又柔亮的嗓音,搭配着男主唱纤细敏感的歌喉,每首歌曲,都足以让人心像在暑日喝了冰汽水般通体舒畅。在众多甜蜜女声中,Club 8 让人听过一次就想跟着哼、心情明亮度顿时加分的每一首歌曲,绝对值得你用生命中最美好的此时此刻,来细细品味。
by Dean Carlson
Some may try to tell you that people who look like an Aryan fantasy shouldn't make music. They may have a point, especially when gazing at Sweden's statuesque Johan Angergård (Acid House Kings, Semester) and Karolina Komstedt, but Club 8's resilient attempts to create louche, gentle cabaret for those trips to the farm go some way to teach listeners that image fetishism in pop music -- on either side of the spectrum -- should never be quite so overstated. Throughout this debut, songs roll and jump like they're on the way to their first barnyard prom, offering hints of sophistication amidst secluded choruses and kinetic, simplistic Blueboy multi-instrumentation. But they also sound like an ineffectual XTC ("She Never Calls Me") just as much as the Wendys if they never crossed the county line ("Breakdown"), which makes the fact that banal lyrics ("I lied to you/to make you happy/it didn't work/cause you knew I was lying"), couched between intimate, pastoral sensitivity, only force the band to end up with the kind of twee indie record to lay out on the coffee table to impress that girl with the Sarah Records T-shirt.