by Stewart Mason
Originally released by Triple X in 1993 and reissued by Atavistic in 1993, the three-disc set Crimes Against Nature is strictly a spoken word affair, with pieces ranging from the 90-second &Terminal Distraction& to the nearly 50-minute ramble &Conspiracy of Women.& The style of the pieces should be familiar to anyone who's followed Lunch's spoken word career: unfocused, rambling harangues that regularly score some cogent political and sociological points but are so one-note in their air of complacent self-righteousness and not-as-shocking-as-thought transgressiveness, and so lacking in the antic humor of a Jello Biafra or Henry Rollins, that Lunch ends up preaching solely to the choir. Only the most die-hard fans of Lunch's spoken word releases will make it all the way through in a couple of sittings.