by Greg Prato
Before the arrival of Mazarin's third full-length, 2005's We're Already There, the group pulled a &Def Leppard,& as a whopping four-year gap ensued since their last effort (2001's A Tall Tale Storyline). Here, they sound like younger siblings of the Flaming Lips, due to Quentin Stoltzfus' warbling falsetto vocals and psychedelic pop sensibilities. Several special guests stopped by in the studio, as Don Devore of the Icarus Line, Kurt Heasley of the Lilys, and Walter Martin of the Walkmen all lent a helping hand. The wait proved worth it, as Stoltzfus has created probably the best Mazarin album yet, as evidenced by the Lips-meets-Sonic Youth &I'm with You and Constellations,& the peppy &For Energy Infinite,& and the spacy &Another One Goes By.& Since they now also take such a leisurely pace releasing albums like their idols, it leads you to wonder -- are Mazarin really Wayne Coyne and company in disguise?