




Selena Gomez & The Scene
Hollywood Records




★“Round & Round”直奔美国舞曲榜亚军,夯世代花边教主Katy Perry量身订作、合音“Rock God”,加赠首挑大梁电影「Ramona And Beezus」主题曲“Live Like There’s No Tomorrow”★

继快红新生代Miley Cyrus、Demi Lovato等超级偶像之后,迪斯尼紧接着力捧的才艺美少女Selena Gomez,同时在电视/电影、歌唱、模特儿、配音等领域写下亮眼佳绩。以艾美奖肯定之高收视率影集「少年魔法师」女主角Alexandra ’Alex’ Russo快速窜起,进而发挥其歌唱才华,并且组织起专属摇滚乐团The Scene,还认真学习吉他和鼓,拿下5座青少年票选奖(Teen Choice Awards)加冕,成为少男少女追星的头号人物!

来自德州、有墨西哥/意大利血统的Selena,7岁开始演艺事业,于美国著名高收视率儿童电视节目「Barney And Friends」担任要角,10岁被迪斯尼全球才艺计划发掘,陆续客串「小查与寇弟的顶级生活」和「孟汉纳」等影集,直到「少年魔法师」全球爆红,Selena的知名度也连带水涨船高。2008-2009年间开始密集推出歌唱单曲,于英美两地、加拿大境内皆有不俗表现。筹备多时的首张专辑『Kiss & Tell』,甫发行即站上美国第9名+英国金榜Top12,获颁金唱片销售认证,AMG专业网站给予四星半近满分评价!

步入18岁之际,同时乘胜追击问世第二张录音室大碟【A Year Without Rain】,由多位在线A咖制作小组连手打造,空降告示牌NO.4席位。让黑人嘻哈区块失守的白人天才Kevin Rudolf参与撰写和制作第一主打“Round & Round”,勾勒最时髦的Electro-Pop线条,直奔美国舞曲榜亚军;接续的同名攻势“A Year Without Rain”,交付当红的葛莱美加持Toby Gad(菲姬、碧昂丝)坐镇,仍然是首通入强烈电流节拍的正点之作,快速攀上告示牌Top35;夯世代花边教主Katy Perry量身订作、合音的“Rock God”,散发绝对的电子摇滚酷味;让Lady Gaga歌唱事业一飞冲天的幕后推手RedOne负责之作“Summer’s Not Hot”,热辣旋律破表,准备攻陷全球夜店舞池;引荐可饶舌也可R&B演唱的新秀Eric Bellinger于“Intuition”里有着称职表现;瑞典籍的Peer Astrom+Anders Bagge(玛丹娜、席琳狄翁)双搭档携手出击“Spotlight”,穿绕律动感十足的Reggaeton元素;最后加赠初挑大梁的电影「Ramona And Beezus」主题曲“Live Like There’s No Tomorrow”,完整的Band Sound机制更突显Selena外放嗓音诠释。

A Year Without Rain is the second studio album by American band Selena Gomez & the Scene. The album was released on September 17, 2010 via Hollywood Records. For songwriting, staffwriters were hired to write all the lyrics. The band once again worked with writers and producers from their debut, Kiss & Tell such as Rock Mafia duo Tim James, and Antonina Armato, as well as Fefe Dobson, Toby Gad, and Superspy. New contributions came from Kevin Rudolf, Katy Perry, Jonas Jeberg and RedOne among others. Due to the success of their breakout hit, &Naturally&, the album draws mainly from dance-pop, rather than the pop rock sound of Kiss & Tell. While making use of the Auto-Tune effect, the album is also electropop, and infuses influences of several other genres, including dancehall, techno, and R&B, among others. According to Gomez, most of the songs on the album are dedicated to the fans, while she wanted content with more melodies and empowering lyrics. Lyrical themes include topics of love, freedom, and the joy of living in the moment.

The album has been given mostly positive reviews and had excellent influence on Gomez's fans and friends, with critics noting it as an improvement from the band's debut album. A Year Without Rain debuted in the United States at number four, selling 66,000 copies in its first week. The album has so far spawned two top forty singles in the United States, lead single, &Round & Round&, and the title track &A Year Without Rain&. In January 2011, the album was certified Gold by RIAA. As of 2013, A Year Without Rain has sold 793,000 copies in the United States.
