华裔音乐人田志仁凭借制作的专辑《呼唤黎明》斩获“最佳古典跨界专辑”与“最佳配器伴奏”奖,参与专辑演唱的贾茹涵也成为第一位登上格莱美领奖台的中国籍艺术家。《呼唤黎明》专辑收录了12首歌曲,由南非、中国、爱尔兰等12个国家的歌手分别用英语、汉语、希伯来语等语言演唱,是融合了古典音乐、世界音乐、流行音乐及地域文化等元素的跨界之作。贾茹涵用中文演唱的“道哉反也”,由田志仁配乐,歌词取自老子《道德经》第40章,体现了“万物生于有,有生于无”的中国古典哲学思想。贾茹涵从昆曲和中国水墨画中获取灵感,对全曲进行了空灵和散淡的演唱。这张唱片从2009年10月1日起在全美发行,获得广泛好评。 Calling All Dawns is an album by Christopher Tin released in 2009. The twelve songs are sung in twelve languages.
The album is a song-cycle in three uninterrupted movements: day, night, and dawn (corresponding to life, death, and rebirth).
The twelve songs are sung in twelve languages, ranging from Swahili to Polish, from French to Persian to Maori. The lyrics are taken from diverse sources, including the Torah, the Bhagavad Gita, ancient Persian and Japanese poetry, and lyrics by contemporary writers. Vocal traditions include African choral music, opera, medieval chant, Irish keening, and more.