柔情蓝调爵士(Blues Jazz)+冷爵士(COLD JAZZ)+混合爵士
在这个世界上一些很细微的小事情正在悄然有序的运行并发生着,艾利森这时候从边缘上 - 再一次与电影业界联手推动了符合美国那健全而又轻巧的后摇滚时代的音乐类别,这绝非易事。艾利森和他的乐队“人小鬼大”的将游走在摇滚乐的边缘风格和爵士乐的六个贝司手新的原创乐曲加上吉他手史蒂夫卡登纳斯“爱的谏言”和约翰列侬“嫉妒的男人”的曲风不断的融合了在一起。作品如主打歌曲和“呼吸”揭示了艾利森本人此次的冒险创作,充满了五颜六色的梦幻旋律,具有催眠功效的合奏旋律。显示出了乐队组合一派的欣欣向荣以及具有风趣幽默诙谐而又狂放不倜的质感和偶然的煽情趣味。
本艾利森(低音吉他);迈克尔萨林(大鼓);史蒂夫德纳斯(高音吉他) ;罗恩霍顿(小号) ;和迈克尔布莱克(萨克斯手)就在这个世界上一点点的悄然运行诞生了。
The Buzz on experimental-minded bassist Ben Allison is all good, as (among numerous accolades) he'd been cited by Downbeat Magazine as one of "25 rising jazz stars for the future" and was selected in various categories in its critics poll as a talent deserving wider recognition. His 2002 disc Peace Pipe challenged mainstream jazz limitations by blending in hip-hop and African rhythms, and Buzz keeps the invention hopping -- sometimes that means pleasing a listener's sense of cool rhythm, other times defying gravity and reason a bit too much. Allison, working with his band of three multiple horn players, keys, and drums, is full of surprises, sometimes in mid-song. For nearly three minutes, the opening cut, "Respiration," plods along a moody, laid-back, horn-spiced path that sometimes borders on atonal; then fortunately, Allison gets into a funky blues mood and Frank Kimbrough's playful piano melody takes over, with Allison's bouncy bass and Michael Sarin's drums kicking in way offbeat. The eclectic, rhythmically off-center, and brass-punched title track really takes the idea of experimentation to the limit; Allison wraps seed pods around the strings of his bass, while Kimbrough sticks pennies and paper clips between piano strings. "Mauritania" combines a more consistent rhythm scheme with rising horns wrapped around Ted Nash's fluttering flute. The disc will appeal more or less to avant-garde jazz fans, who probably won't object to a meandering take on "Across the Universe" that seems to take as much time as a real trip.