23°是人体感觉最舒适的温度,也是这张专辑即将带给你的音乐心情:在喧哗都市之上,有一片属于你的原始森林,流淌的意象、飘渺的天空、飞升的身体,都沉浸在了悠闲、慵懒,还有一点点诡异和迷离的空间里……你可以任由思绪虚无缥缈地凌空飘荡,情感天马行空地自由飞翔,也可以在迷人的旋律中添上半旬醉意,用迷离的眼神看这世界的五光十色璀璨斑斓……这就是Chill Out音乐的无限魅力。
你手中的这张专辑就是Windham Hill公司精心挑选出来的Chill Out音乐。辑中30首Chill Out经典音乐记录,每一首都具有魔幻般的感染力,天衣无缝的制作更使该辑堪称不容错过的Chill Out至尊天碟。CD1“环境音乐”收录了大卫阿肯斯通的《进入梦乡》、雅尼的《献给了解的人》、橘色梦境的《冰冷的心》等最具代表性的作品;CD2“原音音乐”收录了乔治温斯顿、威尔阿克曼等新世纪音乐家们的精彩演绎。从麦克亨吉斯《里克奥文之梦》的虚幻、到菲尔考特《水上阳光》的恬静,从乔治温斯顿《倾盆大雨》的淋漓、到W. G. 斯纳飞沃顿《孤独》的冷寂……各种风格一一罗列其中。但愿你在聆听的同时,能不经意地感觉到:“这音乐真的好舒服,好 Chill Out”。
What's surprising about this collection is not that they did it, but that it took them so long. Windham Hill records, and the label it swallowed, Private Music, wrote at least a chapter or two on chill-out music. But they've never targeted that audience before. This double CD draws from the usual Windham Hill-Private Music suspects and creates a seamless listening experience, ambient on disc one, acoustic on disc two. Disc One: Ambient features some of the pioneers of ambient music: Mark Isham, Tangerine Dream, and Patrick O'Hearn. But most of the disc draws from the melodic, bucolic, and orchestral side with State of Grace, David Arkenstone, and even Yanni. None of them are ambient by any stretch, but they do fall into an elegant flow that's more evocative than chilled. Disc Two: Acoustic has all the Windham Hill pioneers, including George Winston, Will Ackerman, Michael Hedges, and Philip Aaberg. Together, they create a pastoral flow from solo guitars to small chamber ensembles. I wouldn't bring this disc into a chill-out room, but for elegant atmospheres and pastoral moods, Windham Hill Chill has more than enough charms. --John Diliberto