THE EARLY YEARS contains Eddie Cochran's early recordings under his own name along with his appearances on tracks by Jerry Capehart, Derry Weaver and as a member of The Cochran Brothers.
THE EARLY YEARS is an entertaining, if not exactly indispensable, collection of Cochran's pre-stardom material, including some tracks where he works as a sideman for other artists (Cochran was, as many have remarked, among the most studio-oriented of the first generation rockers). In any case, the songs here--recorded in 1956 and '57--mostly showcase him as a teenage rockabilly guitar prodigy, with a couple of exceptions.
"Guybo" (named after his bass player) is a three-chord instrumental featuring twelve-string guitar, twangy bass, and echoed handclaps. The whole thing sounds like a template for his breakthrough hit "Summertime Blues." Cochran also does a convincing Elvis on the suspiciously "Heartbreak Hotel"-ish "Dark Lonely Street," complete with hushed, echoed vocal.
some of the best & most rare pre-major label recs. incl. 4 tracks not on the LP
Includes liner notes by Rob Finnis.
Personnel includes: Eddie Cochran (vocals, guitar); Hank Cochran, Jerry Capehart, Derry Weaver.