




Leona Lewis
Syco Music



◎收录OneRepublic操刀惊艳首打〈Happy〉、贾斯汀参与合音〈Don't Let Me Down〉、翻唱Oasis经典〈Stop Crying Your Heart Out〉、与OneRepublic共鸣合唱〈Lost Then Found〉惊喜不断!

全面征服英国本土、快速攻陷美国市场,以〈Bleeding Love〉(蔓延的爱)创下英国流行史上连续7周No.1的女歌手纪录、销售最快破百万的处女之航;史上第一位首张专辑《Spirit》(心灵深处)空降全美冠军、并同步称霸单曲双榜的英国歌手;横扫台湾西洋音乐市场,拿下五大唱片+网路平台ezPeer等排行年度总冠军!2008年全英音乐奖名单上,只有丽安娜提名四项重要大奖,让所有女歌手相形失色,伴随锐不可挡之势窜红的星光美声歌姬,让这波丽安娜现象持续发酵蔓延!

爱唱歌的伦敦女孩丽安娜,借由X-Factor歌唱选秀节目飞上枝头变凤凰,名嘴欧普拉赞誉:「一个货真价实的巨星诞生了」、毒舌评审Simon Cowell惊艳:「注定要发光发亮的明日之星」、唱片教父Clive Davis+师姐惠妮休斯顿联合力挺背书!翻唱美国偶像第一季冠军凯莉克莱森成名曲〈A Moment Like This〉暖身,在30分钟内被下载五万次,入籍金氏世界纪录,打破有史以来销售最快的单曲成绩。酝酿长达一年问市《Spirit》(心灵深处),入围格莱美「最佳流行专辑」、根据国际唱片交流基金会(简称IFPI)统计「2008年世界最卖座专辑」的第6顺位,至今累积全球高达650万张的销售量,同时提早预约天后宝座的席位!

趁胜追击的第二度美丽献声《Echo》,仍于英美两大巨头Simon Cowell和Clive Davis监控制作下完成。首波舒缓中板强打〈Happy〉,再次邀约五人摇滚新贵OneRepublic主唱Ryan Tedder撰写/操盘,揉合弦乐和钢琴的辅佐,伴随丽安娜滑顺自然的转音,娓娓道尽一颗挥别爱恋泪往心里流之余,仍要微笑释怀面对情伤的心,令人无比动容与怜惜,空降美国数位榜Top 22+加拿大Top 15位置,已掀起各排行的骚动;有布兰妮、新好男孩、超级男孩畅销曲之幕后功臣Max Martin加持,启用新锐制作高手Arnthor Birgisson(席琳狄翁、安立奎、98°)掌舵〈I Got You〉,细腻处里情绪之掌握,温暖散发迷人魅力;搭建起超动感舞曲节拍的〈Outta My Head〉,包覆强烈Synth-Pop和Disco-Funk的元素,铁定是支征服夜店的主题曲;爽朗吉他灌入合成器的运用,〈Love Letter〉交织电子摇滚的劲道,毫无压迫感地提供耐听音场;〈STop Crying Your Heart Out〉则是翻唱Britpop先锋Oasis的经典畅销歌谣;最潮型男贾斯汀参与谱写/合音的〈Don't Let Me Down〉,和丽安娜擦爆出璀璨闪耀的音乐火花;曲末的〈Lost Then Found〉,邀获OneRepublic全员热情站台。在丽安娜更为成熟自信态势中,展露超越自我的勇气,成为线上天后们的最强劲敌! (by KKBOX)


Echo is the second studio album by British singer and songwriter Leona Lewis. It was released from 9 November 2009 including 16 November in the United Kingdom, and 17 November 2009 in the United States. Its worldwide release was through Sony Music.

Lewis worked with Ryan Tedder, Justin Timberlake, Max Martin, John Shanks, and Harvey Mason, Jr. amongst others to produce the follow-up to her debut album Spirit. The album was preceded by the single "Happy", released on 15 September 2009. "I Got You" was released as the second single in February 2010. The song "My Hands" was used as the theme song for the video game Final Fantasy XIII. The album has achieved commercial success peaking within the top twenty in nine countries. (wiki)


by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

The goal of Leona Lewis' 2007 debut, Spirit, was to prove that an X Factor winner could be a phenomenon not just in the U.K., but in the rest of the world. The goal of her second album, 2009's Echo, is to prove that success was no fluke, to build upon "Bleeding Love" and turn Lewis into an actual diva. Certainly, Echo in any of its incarnations -- its song listings are tailored for individual markets, with the U.K. getting a cover of Oasis' "Stop Crying Your Heart Out," while the U.S. gets a second song co-written by Justin Timberlake -- uses the chilly, synthesized "Bleeding Love" as its foundation, creating a sheet of sound equal parts Euro-pop and modern American R&B. As opposed to the often-stuffy Spirit, this is proudly modern, and if the sounds emanating from the two sides of the Atlantic might seem to be aesthetically opposed, they're both producer-driven music constructed layer by layer from rhythm to the vocal, where the overall sound matters more than what's being sung. Which isn't to say that Lewis doesn't sing the hell out of the songs on Echo: she has an uncanny gift for hitting impossible notes without seeming as if she's grandstanding. In fact, there's nary an ounce of diva in Lewis, she seems to enjoy singing for the sake of it, which helps her out on an album like Echo, where the melodies are elliptical, not catchy, designed to showcase range, not to stick in the head or evoke emotion. Similarly, the productions are designed to hop into as many different formats as possible -- rhythmic enough for clubs, glassy enough for radio -- and they get by on feel, not feelings, with whatever heart in the music coming from Lewis, who is glad to sing, refusing to become the diva her legions of handlers so clearly want her to be.

