美国加州女歌手Robin McKelle喜欢沉浸在爵士乐大乐团与传统流行乐演唱的氛围,她的歌声性感诱惑,热情洋溢,不时带有几许天真个性。她在2008年以专辑【Modern Antique】挺进全美爵士专辑榜第25名,专辑由在歌唱竞赛节目「美国好声音 The Voice」中担任伴奏的洛杉矶小号乐手Willie Murillo担任製作,邀请曾经与Count Basie交锋的爵士乐界著名的次中音萨克斯风乐手Pete Christlieb,曾经与拉丁爵士乐教父Ray Barretto合作过的爵士乐界小号高手Magnarelli客座伴奏,Robin McKelle绽放多样歌唱风情,像是以摇摆乐风情重新诠释旧金山摇滚乐团Steve Miller Band的1982年冠军曲"Abracadabra",以古巴音乐风格挑战Billie Holiday招牌曲"Comes Love",以恣意的摇摆乐风采重现电影「英伦情人」中的经典老歌"Cheek To Cheek",以优雅怀旧的迷情歌声演绎Frank Sinatra名曲"Day By Day"…等。本专辑採用24 bit音质处理方式与高解析度兼容性数码技术HDCD录製,留住绝佳的歌声演唱与伴奏乐声。
by Michael G. NastosRobin McKelle is a California based singer who enjoys the big-band sound, as well as old-time singers like Peggy Lee and Dinah Washington, reflective in her voice. She has a slightly sultry, at times girlish sound that is striving for vintage sophistication, but also relies on contemporary song stylist precepts. She's not Norah Jones, Diana Krall, or Joni Mitchell by a long shot, and not trying to be. She sounds quite similar to Detroit based vocalist Kathy Kosins in her phrasing and affectations. The problem with this recording, her third, is that it is way overproduced, not in a contemporary synthesizer soaked way, for all of the arrangements are acoustically derived. But the rather large horn section and strings dominate this stylized singer on too many occasions. It will be good someday to hear her with a much smaller ensemble, but meanwhile, you have a fairly good representation of what McKelle sounds like doing a Las Vegas type show set. The program starts off smart enough with of a swinging and rousing version of Steve Miller's "Abracadabra," with McKelle tossing in some good scat singing. A montuno/Afro-Cuban take of "Comes Love" shows the sexy influence of Lee, while the slight contemporary light rock beat tacked on to "I Want to Be Loved" is a popular concession, but the orchestration drenches this tune. Veteran tenor saxophone soloist Pete Christlieb shines on the string infused easy swinger "Cheek to Cheek," while flugelhorn and trumpet guest Joe Magnarelli is strong and supple for the breezy "Day by Day" and stands out during the very complementary chart of "Make Someone Happy." McKelle scats again and quite effectively for "Lullaby of Birdland" with interesting staggered phrasings above a less orchestrated backdrop -- a good thing for her. She also plays piano while singing on her original, the closer "Remember," a pop ballad with strings and laden with the otherwise tasteful guitarist Larry Kuhns. This band has some other good players like trumpeter Wayne Bergeron, saxophonists Bob Shepard or Andy Snitzer, and bassist Reggie McBride, but their individualism is all but smothered. This CD will appeal to a certain audience, but there's nothing new or innovative, save the occasional vocal excursions of the clearly talented McKelle.