Nobukazu Takemura是Thrill Jockey Records旗下唯一的日本人。这个来自东京的日本人在80年代中期还是一名嘻哈DJ,为日本当时的Wild Style推广作出了一定的贡献,后来在ACID JAZZ和TRIP-HOP的影响下开始改变自己的风格。早期的作品仍然是在WEA,Toy's Factory等公司出的,之后他换过很多工作。80年代后期他曾经在MO WAX当过一段时间的制作人,为以后自己的事业积累了相当的经验。到了90年代中期,他招集几个朋友一起组成了自己的乐队Child's View开始玩起了一些古怪的音乐,很快便吸引了包括Aphex Twin,Coldcut,和Wagon Christ等人帮他REMIX专辑,并且建议他往IDM的方向发展。经过许多年受到各种音乐风格的影响, 中西方文化的碰撞,他终于在99年拿出了自己两张成熟的作品,加上POST ROCK 概念的兴起,他被邀请去Thrill Jockey。 Japanese producer Nobukazu Takemura's fondness for computer-error sounds will be familiar to fans of Oval or Disc--CD-skipping noises and digital distortion organized and processed into sparkling, disorienting forms. But that's only part of his arsenal--he also makes use of more robust electronic calliope tones, bubbly synth percussion, skidding drum & bass beats, and even wisps of human voice. Takemura arranges even his prickliest sounds to hover around a few light, elegant tones; what he ends up with is uniquely beautiful and far more melodic than you'd guess, occasionally recalling the textures of samba. This U.S. edition of Funfair includes the Dylan Group covering "Saburè" on vibraphone and other acoustic instruments. --Douglas Wolk