是Kevin Toney在2003年发行的一张个人专辑. 专辑的整体相对比较统一, 用Smooth Jazz形容也好,或者是Instrumental R&B形容也好, 都是非常恰当的. 如果仔细来听, 这张专辑还是有不少值得称道的地方. 专辑的前半部分以及后半部分之间出现了分水岭, 前半活泼,动感, 后半浪漫,柔情. 无论是开场曲"Mister T"还是标题曲"Sweet Spot"都充满了活力, Kevin用两只手和up-tempo的节奏同时跟进, 大量的Funk元素形成了音乐整体的氛围, 而在钢琴的速度以及技巧运用上, Kevin Toney基本上算是一流表演. 不过专辑的第三首"Dilemma"实属败笔, 一首很有名的R&B流行歌曲,被Kevin改编以后毫无生气, 而且旋律缺少变化,反而使得其中的一段guitar solo突现而出, 算是挽回一丝颜面. 不过好在"Coast to Coast"确实算得上是一首经典Smooth Jazz, 钢琴干净利落且不缺乏即兴, 节奏清新明快, SAX和acoustic guitar也非常的合拍, 而更重要的是整首单曲的风格把在了Smooth Jazz的命脉上, 技术,旋律,节奏,即兴,要什么有什么. 而在这首曲子结束以后, 专辑便来到了其第二章节--浪漫篇. 100%R&B的"Morning Rain"是一首人声作品, 而这首浪漫情歌的出现,也迎合了时下Smooth Jazz音乐专辑的选曲时尚. 单曲"Kiss"则是完全用钢琴演绎一段动人的恋爱场景, keyboards, piano分段出现, 而且还有一些即兴篇章, 可谓是难得再难得了. 而在最后一首单曲"Portrait of You"的前奏中,更是出现了Piano Solo的爵士炫技片段,虽然说是中规中矩, 但在Smooth Jazz专辑中也属难得, 而对于Kevin Toney来说, 这张专辑也算是对得起自己了.
by Jonathan Widran
As far as hip and funky smooth jazz keyboardists go, Kevin Toney may not get the type of press and exposure that Brian Culbertson gets, but he more than compensates on Sweet Spot with an incredible array of grooves and a soulful style rooted in a 30-year career as an R&B heavyweight. And groove-intensive it is, from the thick shuffle behind the dreamy melody and speedy improves of "Mister T" to the consistent throb (courtesy of bassist Mel Brown) on the jumpy and instantly hummable title track. Unlike many purveyors of his instrument who use guest sax players because it's more radio-friendly, Toney seems to basically say, "here's what I do, dance, tap your toes, listen to me jam, forget the horns." The one exception to this, the retro-flavored, joyfully discofied "Coast to Coast," is more of a marketing idea in that he defers to new labelmate Pamela Williams rather than an outside star. Tracking Toney's influences is fun, in that he goes from the ultramodern (a lush reading of the recent pop hit "Dilemma," featuring Paul Jackson, Jr. on guitar) to a playful party tune ("So Much Fun") reminiscent of the Ramsey Lewis experience, complete with spirited background conversations à la "The In Crowd." Sweet indeed.