by Stewart Mason
If this is these kids' idea of excessive celebration, one cringes to imagine their idea of angst. Autonym's excellently titled debut Shall We Skip to Excessive Celebration? is a post-hardcore blur of exceedingly short (exactly one track of 11 breaks the two-minute mark) and tightly-wound blurts of anguished screamo vocals, fractured rhythms and unison guitar riffs. It's not all the same: "Battered Wife Syndrome" actually sounds weirdly like the Fall thanks to its atypically dance-oriented bass riff and unexpectedly catchy hooks underneath the usual howled vocals, "The Dalits" recalls vintage hardcore à la Youth Brigade, and in between the songs, there are occasional brief interludes of music-box-like keyboard solos. But it's all, shall we say, of a piece. Those with a lack of affinity for post-hardcore should stay far away, but Shall We Skip to Excessive Celebration? is a surprisingly likeable entry in an often irritating and whiny genre.