




George Michael
Epic Records


25年对流行的衝击与成就 一次收录


◎史无前例首张跨厂牌跨年代2CD超级精选,包括首次收入精选的Last Christmas


25年的岁月过去,他做到了!!乔治麦可从英国最成功的青少年双人组合-轰合唱团(Wham!),摇身一变成为当代最成功的流行艺人,他的全球唱片销售超过了8500万张,他写下了"Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go"、"Careless Whisper"、"Freedom"、"A Different Corner"、"Jesus To A Child"、"Fastlove"…等11首英国金榜冠军曲,以及「Fantastic」、「Make It Big」、「Faith」、「Five Live」、「Older」、「Patience」等8张英国金榜冠军专辑。

他的音乐才华除了为他获得了5座全英音乐奖、3座全美音乐奖、2座葛莱美奖、2座MTV音乐录影带大奖与1座MTV欧洲音乐奖等奖项的喝采,还赢得了与Aretha Franklin、Elton John、Queen等乐坛传奇同台飙唱的机会,同时也成了「Live Aid」、「尼尔森曼德拉自由演唱会」、「Live 8」等各大义唱盛会的演唱嘉宾。在2004年一项全球性的电台歌曲播放统计中,他更是过去20年来歌曲播放次数最高的英国艺人。到了2006年,乔治麦可依然是流行乐坛叱吒风云的超级巨星,他在今年5月,宣佈举行15年来首度巡迴演唱行程「25 Live Tour」的消息后,首轮演唱行程中的47场欧洲演唱场次在门票开卖不到两小时,所有24万张门票就被抢购一空。

配合「25 Live Tour」自9月23号起于巴塞隆纳陆续豋场,SONYBMG特地企划乔治麦可2006年最新精选大碟【Twenty Five】,共有「For Living」、「For Loving」2张CD,「For Living」中网罗的是节奏动感轻快、惬意,别具生活情趣的畅销曲,像是"Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go"、"Everything She Wants"、"Faith"、"Fastlove"、"Outside"以及2006年达谢女粉丝的放克新作"An Easier Affair"…等。「For Loving」中倾点的则是罗曼蒂克的深情极品,像是"Careless Whisper"、"Last Christmas"、"A Different Corner"、"Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me"以及2006年与前Sugarbabe团员Mutya深情对唱的"This Is Not Real Love"以及与保罗麦卡尼所合作的"Heal The Pain"…等。

The title marks George's 25 years in the music business. But it is worth noting that, for the last 20 of those years he has, quite ingeniously, remained at the top of the tree while maintaining the workrate of an arthritic tortoise - just five new studio albums, and one of those was a covers collection.

OK, his disenchantment with the music industry is well known, but even diehard fans must be a bit miffed that the record release which coincides with his world tour is not a new collection of songs, but another retrospective.

It is only eight years since the "Ladies And Gentlemen : best of" with which Twenty Five's track listing overlaps considerably.

No amount of cunning packaging - such as dividing the collection into themed sections with the twee titles "For Living", "For Loving" and, on the triple CD version, "For The Loyal" - can disguise the fact that fans will be buying some songs for the second, maybe third time.

OK, that's the "buyer beware" message.

"Twenty Five" offers a handful of inessential new cuts (the likes of "Heal The Pain" with Paul McCartney, "This Is Not Real Love" with Mutya . . . yawn) but it is also a reminder of the gobsmacking range of Michael's work.

That means everything from the gorgeous, saccharine-tinged glory of "Careless Whisper" to the most cack-handed protest song ever in "Shoot The Dog".

It's a journey from the shuttlecock-down-the-shorts frippery of Wham!'s "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" to the big band crooning of "My Baby just Cares For Me", from brilliant throwaway pop like "Faith" to songs of disarming autobiographical honesty like "My Mother Had A Brother".

George is a pop everyman capable of the sublime (the cover of Stevie Wonder's "As" with Mary J Blige) and the ridiculous (the afore-mentioned "Shoot The Dog").

Pity he's not capable of upping the work rate.
