




Brad Paisley
Arista Nashville


作为美国乡村唱作全才布拉德·派斯利(Brad Paisley)的第六张录音室专辑,这张《Play》是一张以吉他纯演奏为主、明星合唱为辅的专辑。在Billboard 200专辑榜中上榜首周,《Play》凭借5万4千张的销量成绩名列本周榜单第九位。而在本周的Top乡村专辑榜中,《Play》再次获得冠军,成为Brad Paisley在其中的第四张冠军专辑。去年,Brad Paisley 的上张专辑《5th Gear》在Billboard 200专辑榜中上榜首周曾获得季军的好成绩,首周销量达到了19万7千张。

在这张《Play》当中,Brad Paisley 大秀特秀了他的吉他演奏技术,从开场的短小Jam,到与布鲁斯吉他大师B.B.King合作的布鲁斯名曲《Let The Good Times Roll》,我们都能够听到Brad Paisley在琴板上飞舞的手指。其实,对于Brad Paisley不凡的吉他技术,乡村乐迷们早有领教,在多次乡村音乐颁奖礼上,Brad Paisley都已展现过的才华。在本月刚刚结束的乡村音乐协会奖(CMA)的颁奖礼上,Brad Paisley还翻玩了艾里克·克莱普敦(Eric Clapton)的《Layla》和深紫乐队(Deep Purple)的《Smoke on the Water》这两首经典的摇滚名曲,熟悉摇滚乐的歌迷都清楚,这两首歌都是对吉他技术要求很高的曲目。

Brad Paisley 在这张《Play》中玩的很High,既有自己新创作的吉他小段,又有传统的段子,电琴与木吉他搭配的也很好。当然,Brad Paisley既不是Chet Atkins,也不是Joe Satriani或者Steve Vai这样的纯Solo狂人,所以,他还特意安排了几首与Keith Urban和Buck Owens等人的对唱曲目,以满足那些希望听到他唱歌的乐迷。对Brad Paisley来说,《Play》是一次全新的尝试,现在看来,这次尝试是非常成功的。(KFC MAN)

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

Brad Paisley never made his love of classic '60s country a secret, often inviting his idols into the studio to record cornpone skits straight out of Hee Haw. Paisley is so steeped in the '60s that it's easy to ignore that he was born much, much later, growing up in the heyday of shred guitarists in the late '80s. These two seemingly opposed sides surface on Play, a predominantly instrumental album where the spotlight shines so brightly on the six-string that even the cuts with vocals are either about or are showcases for the guitar. Some of this falls well within the bounds of the expected chicken-picking, with Paisley paying such loving, explicit tribute to Don Rich that he quotes the "Buckaroo" theme on the opening cadence of his duet with the late Buck Owens, "Come on In." Paisley's picking on the hypercharged "Huckleberry Jam" and "Cluster Pluck" is a pleasure, but it's also nice to hear him stretch out and play some deep blues on "Kentucky Jelly," trade licks with B.B. King on "Let the Good Times Roll," cop some swinging jazz from Les Paul on the aptly titled "Les Is More," and roll on the breakers on "Turf's Up" (there may not be any novelty songs here, but Paisley sure makes up for that with his punning song titles). As good as these are, it all falls within the realm of the expected; what surprises on Play is how the '80s shred gods surface -- how Paisley's love letter to his wife, "Kim," sounds like how Joe Satriani slowed things down (and Satch surfaces again on the slow-rolling "Departure"), or how he answers Eric Johnson's "Cliffs of Dover" with "Cliffs of Rock City." These ventures into pure '80s shred go a long way to illustrating just how versatile a guitarist Brad Paisley is, and they wind up as accidental autobiography, revealing a side he's previously camouflaged -- but now that it's surfaced, it's easy to see why his albums are always among the most adventurous and best country music of this decade.
