




British Sea Power
Rough Trade


BBC Four在2012年制作了一部名为《From the Sea to the Land Beyond》的纪录片,由Penny Woolcock执导。

影片内容搜集了从80年代到2000年间,共100多年来珍藏于BFI(British Film Institute)关于英国海岸、陆地、在这片土地上生活的英国子民们的片段。从这些内容可以看出这么多年以来人民方式的变迁,衣着的不同、谋生方式转变、战火袭击下的大海到过去与今日的娱乐消遣,全部都是岁月的流逝,影片中的军人、渔夫、船长,至今不知已化成哪丝烟缕。

最值得一提的是,这部纪录片特别找来根基于英国海边城市Brighton、最受欢迎乐团之一的British Sea Power担纲配乐制作。再也想不出有什么团名可与片名搭配得如此浑然天成。配合每一个如诗如画的吉光片羽,British Sea Power的狂热收敛许多,以静谧广阔取代,音符与片头出现那不知是何年何月面貌的大海深深相合,马上就被感动。(By earwaxtwmusic)

If you were going to make a film about the relationship between the ocean and British culture, choosing the band British Sea Power to do the soundtrack might seem a little too on the nose for some folks, but it turns out director Penny Woolcock knew just what she was doing. British Sea Power’s score for Woolcock’s From the Sea to the Land Beyond isn’t the first time they’ve written music for film — in 2009, they wrote and recorded a new score for Robert J. Flaherty’s classic (staged) ary Man of Aran — and as before, the group reveals a rare gift for building atmosphere and emotional intrigue with its music.

While the usual guitars and keyboards play their role in the score, From the Sea to the Land Beyond is frequently punctuated with minimal but effective string and horn arrangements (Abi Fry’s viola is used to splendid effect), and drummer Matthew Wood is a standout, his bold rhythms interacting beautifully with the frequently stark surfaces of the music. A few of the tracks feature vocals, but most do not, and the instrumentals are eloquent enough to communicate without words, conjuring powerful images of the beauty and forbidding power of the ocean that at once sustains and threatens the people who live near its shore. Dotted with intelligently applied sound effects and bits of newsreel narration, From the Land to the Sea Beyond often recalls Rachel’s’ post-rock masterpiece The Sea and the Bells in its evocative impact and thoughtful embrace of elements outside the palette of most rock bands; this isn’t rock & roll, but what it is is something very special, and this is the rare film soundtrack that works nearly as well on its own as it does accompanying another artist’s images.

