




Just Jack



BBC Sound 2007十大瞩目艺人 天马行空剪贴出极为欢愉且变化十足的新奇流行

首支挟带放克因子的主攻曲“Starz In Their Eyes”获英国流行单曲榜亚军

有趣到底的专辑,结合摇滚、电子、嘻哈甚至饶舌元素,天马行空的剪贴出极为欢愉且变化十足之音乐风格,创意十足的新概念皆出自这位化名Just Jack的老兄手笔;他可说是一人音乐工厂,融合混搭最为新奇流行因子,给你全然不同的惊喜体验。

 来自英国伦敦,原名Jack Allsopp的Just Jack,从小就在舞蹈薰陶下练就一身独门绝技,八岁时就是家乡小有名气的霹雳舞者,搭配舞蹈之各类舞曲风格更是Jack的最爱,15岁时展开音乐另一层面探索,当起游走各舞厅的DJ,并研究起当时热烈延烧之Garage派系。白天从工作中搜集灵感,晚上则专注在音乐创作。2002年于独立厂牌旗下推出首张专辑『The Outer Marker』,虽然赢得乐评传媒极度称许,似乎仍无法引起乐迷兴趣,敌不过销售惨淡加上公司结束营业,Jack休息近五年的时间,找寻新创作方向,仍弃而不捨的在他最爱的音乐上下功夫。

 成为BBC Sound 2007十大瞩目团体/歌手名单之列,终在主流大厂支撑下问世第二张大碟【Overtones】,交由Jack以及音乐好伙伴Jay Reynold(B.B. King、Pulp、The Beautiful South)共通监製,甫推出即空降英国专辑金榜Top6位置。首支主攻挟带Funky Rock的“Starz In Their Eyes”,伴随在BBC2节目「Later with Jools Holland」曝光演出以及Channel 4影集「The Friday Night Project」推波助澜,攻上英国金榜亚军;第二波强打“Glory Days”,充满舒服自得的嘻哈节拍,淋上香醇滑顺电子润饰,饶舌随性演唱调调,相信能再度于排行榜上大有斩获;电子合成器营造出的迷离音感,不时窜出电吉他来回飙奏,甚至搭上淡淡Nu-Jazz包覆,一齣奇情音乐之旅顺著“I Talk Too Much”随即展开;Acoustic吉他拉开序幕的“Hold On”,清淡民谣音韵却也混入些许节奏感的电子特效;最后Jack特别附赠的加值曲,感到有趣之馀却透出The Offspring畅销曲“Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)”的情节印象,千万不要错过。惊喜Jack带出丰富音源外,更有著多变嗓音诠释,Jack做音乐的理念就如同他所言:不给自己设定任何界限,任何事情都有可能在任何片段发生,那就是捕捉即时灵感的最佳时刻。

by David JeffriesFour-plus years passed between Just Jack's debut, The Outer Marker, and his sophomore effort, Overtones. That's plenty of time for an U.K. garage rapper to fall out of favor -- especially when the Streets are burning up most folks' patience for the genre like it was flash paper -- and to make matter worse, Just Jack (real name Jack Allsopp) had to crawl over a heaping pile of criticism that his rhymes were whack after he climbed out of his four-year hole. Shocking everyone, this "slackadaisical" wonder overcame it all and was climbing charts and selling out shows as soon as Overtones was released in the U.K., thanks in part to Jack's being a friend of the oh-so-hot-in-2006 Lily Allen along with the hooks, the effortless delivery, and a general need for something softer and more hopeful than garage and grime normally offer. While Overtones is filled with moon-June-spoon-prune rhyme schemes and meaningless bits of slang, it all sits on a bed of instantly grabbing melody and smart arrangements. His lyrics aren't as bad as you've been sold, but his slumped shoulder delivery and the "I wore this same hoodie yesterday" way about him do make him a love-'em-or-hate-'em proposition. Those who love him are blessed with a generally positive album that's just made for sunny days and convertibles with kicking sound systems, not that Jack would ever admit he could afford one. The big hit single "Starz in Their Eyes" high karate kicks young hipsters with lyrics like "You used to be satisfied/Now you feel like Mick Jagger," while the good-feeling "Glory Days" comes right out and says "Dammit, I'm in love with this planet," backing up this statement with a properly bright horn section. Most of the lyrical content is closer to the latter than the former -- minus "Lost," which is heavy, misplaced, and thematically out of reach for Jack -- and the music is closer to Jamiroquai than the Streets or Dizzee Rascal. Add to it "Hold On"'s "You know you're getting older/When the kids on the corner/Get you baffled every time they speak" and that's practically the formula for hipster poison, begging for potshots. Overtones doesn't care about cool and would rather be an unaffected album, worth returning to anytime the uptight world needs to be shaken off.
