封面来自意大利画家米开朗基罗·梅里西·达·卡拉瓦乔(Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio)作品《圣马太与天使》(Saint Matthew and the Angel)
E.S. Posthumus于2001年发行的专辑《Unearthed》绝对是一张经典的专辑!你决不能错过的精品!那恢弘震撼的气势和汹涌澎湃的音潮让你欲罢不能。而且更重要的是这是一张绝版呢。
E.S. Posthumus 是由两兄弟组成的独立乐队。这张2001年出品的《Unearthed》浑身上下散出绝对的神密与激情。E.S.是“Experimental Sounds“ 的缩写,Posthumus 的意思是“all things past“ (逝者已矣),这乐队的名字就让人感觉很特别。此专辑共十三首曲,每一首均以一古老城市或远古文化命名。另外,此专近年来也一再受到好莱坞大牌音乐人的钟爱与肯定,热衷美片的人不难发现“后天““加勒比海盗““哈里波特“ “人猿星球“ “ 黑客帝国“第三部。小汤哥的“报告““出轨“等N多预先片都前后引用它的部分曲子作为背景音乐。CBS多部美剧“THE X-FILES““COLD CASE“也选中了第六首NARA作为片头曲。
01. Antissa 5:11
今日的『Kambos(金波斯)』,位在拔摩岛(Patmos)上。拔摩岛位於爱琴海之中,远离现今的土耳其海岸,是希腊三千馀岛屿中最庄严神 圣的岛,这是因为使徒约翰为了忠於基督的一神信仰,而被敬拜多神的罗马当权者放逐於拔摩岛上。
02. Tikal 3:47
Tikal (蒂卡尔)古典时期玛雅最大最强盛的城邦。玛雅遗址中拥有最多和最高的神庙。
03. Harappa 4:36
Harappa (哈拉帕)位於现在巴基斯坦境内的印度河流域遗迹。有整齐的街道,完整的排水系统。住宅也有贵族的及各种职业人士的区分。此 外还有大澡堂、谷仓等公共建筑,也有铜、青铜、铅或锡制的器皿。原住民有象形文字,可惜至今还无法解读。
04. Ulaid 5:10
05. Ebla 6:09
Ebla (艾贝拉)位于叙利亚北部,是世界上最古老的文明之一。1970年间在境内挖掘出来的 The Ebla Tablet (创世泥板)最负盛名。
06. Nara 4:51
Nara (奈良)位於日本的中西部。
07. Nineveh 3:42
08. Lepcis Magna
即“Leptis Magna“(列伯提斯 马格那),希腊语巨大都市之意。罗马帝国时代的利比亚,不但是当时非洲的贸易活动中心,同时亦是提供五 谷食物的地方,所以在当时获得「罗马帝国谷仓」的称号。在利比亚众多遗迹之中,最能显出繁荣盛世风范的,就是这位在的黎波里近郊 的 Leptis Magna。这个罗马时代的大城市,在二、三世纪时,正是罗马君皇的出生地。
09. Menouthis 3:56
Menouthis (美诺西斯)古埃及法老王时代的古城废墟之一,又称为『Eastern Canopus(东坎诺帕斯 )』。在二千三百年前毁於大地震,并且 就此沉入尼罗河中,成为【消失的城市】。幸赖法国考古学家高第欧所主持的海洋考古探险队,於2000年6月发现河底遗迹,而让此城的 面貌公诸於世人面前。
10. Pompeii 3:41
11. Isfahan 4:34
Isfahan (伊斯法罕),波斯帝国古城之一,位于伊朗中心,是16世纪沙法毕王朝首都,伊朗到1788年才迁都到德黑兰。境内为一个为大片荒漠 围绕的绿洲,由於市内大量精美建筑,故有伊斯法罕相当於半个世界的说法。市内建筑体现了古代波斯的伟大,回教建筑亦精彩纷陈,可以说是见证了伊朗历史。
Said to consist of the brothers Franz and Helmut Vonlichten, although those may be pseudonyms, E.S. Posthumus (the "E.S." is said to stand for "Electronic Sound" or "Experimental Sounds," depending on which page of their press materials you read) presents an album of stirring, soundtrack-like music with Unearthed. The tracks are named after ancient cities around the globe, and the sound, reminiscent of such acts as Deep Forest and Enigma (when it isn't suggesting Enya or Yanni) is full of thundering drums, soaring strings, and the Seattle Choral Company singing in Latin. Franz and Helmut have day jobs in the entertainment industry (or so we are told), and it's no surprise that their music has attracted the attention of that industry. After being put up on the CDBaby website, the music from Unearthed has been licensed for use in movie trailers for such films as Spider-Man, Planet of the Apes, Matrix Reloaded, Minority Report, and Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. (Anyone who wonders why film companies don't just use films' actual scores for trailers should realize that trailers have to be put together long before films are ready for release, and scores generally are composed toward the end of post-production, when the films are almost finished.) Nor is it a surprise that "Nara" was chosen as the theme song for the TV series Cold Case. As with Moby's Play, Unearthed is full of striking themes that impress particularly in short segments, perfect for catching the ear in a commercial. Whether E.S. Posthumus will go on to a career in film-scoring, new age music, or just jingle work (or some combination) remains to be seen. But Unearthed makes for quite a calling card.