




The Cranberries
Island Records


请回到90年代 有小红莓的世代

5千万人共同记忆 爱尔兰的骄傲

+爱尔兰的骄傲 全球5000万乐迷共同记忆

+生涯颠峰10年精选 重回属于小红莓的黄金世代

+完整收录"Dreams"、"Linger"、"Zombie"、"Salvation"、"Just My Imagination"等20首生涯经典

“Dreams”、”Linger”、”Promises”、”Salvation”…这些歌名一定唤回你许多关于小红莓合唱团The Cranberries,他们无疑是继U2之后,最成功的爱尔兰乐团,出道十年来The Cranberries自然不缀饰的音乐风格,已经震撼感动了全球超过3500万乐迷,主唱Dolores的特殊空灵唱腔,更影响了许多女歌手的表演方式,从王菲、范晓萱等都向他致敬;而他们历年精采的巡迴亦是乐迷们不愿错过、争相目睹的票房保证。

“Linger”是The Cranberries第一首崭露头角的作品,紧接著推出的首张大碟【Everybody Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We? 】在1994年登上英国金榜冠军,第二张专辑【No Need To Argue】更上层楼,全球销售逾1500万张,诞生了荣获MTV音乐大奖最佳单曲”Zombie”、”Ode To My Family”等旷世名曲。1997年【To The Faithful Departed】专辑在告示牌现代摇滚榜冠军曲”Salvation”强势领军下大卖600万张、登上全球18个国家排行榜冠军。1999年,经过了一段长假的休息沉淀,带著专辑【Bury The Hatchet】归队,持续缔造”Promises”、”Animal Instinct”等畅销曲,快速突破300万张销量。第五张专辑【Wake Up And Smell The Coffee】推出时,即便团员们都已迈入家庭人生,但四人摩拳擦掌准备再度大展身手,场场满座的巡迴演唱、攻佔全台排行冠军的佳绩,说明了The Cranberries新世纪复出成功。

2002年为了庆祝出道十週年,The Cranberries特地精挑细选历年脍炙人口的排行力作、乐迷指定收录的动人小品”Daffodil Lament”,以及2首全新佳作”Stars”、”New New York”,隆重推出【Stars: The Best of 1992–2002】陪著大家回顾The Cranberries昔日的辉煌美好,同时品嚐小红莓的最新风味。

Stars is a compilation album and DVD from the Irish band The Cranberries. Some of the tracks on the CD are different versions of the songs provided in earlier albums. The CD also contains two new tracks: "New New York" and "Stars".

For the Cranberries, assembling a best-of covering the first decade of their career means compiling their singles in chronological order, which turns out to be a foolproof approach for a band that can be uneven over the course of a full-length album but has always managed to express itself well on the two-to-four catchiest cuts. ("Hollywood" and "You & Me" were not singles chosen for release as such by the band, but they were put out in individual territories.) From "Dreams" and the breakthrough hit "Linger" to the sometimes harder-rocking and more political efforts such as "Zombie" and "Free to Decide," and on to more melodic songs later on, the singles (presented here in some cases in single versions or new edits to fit everything in) make a case for the Cranberries as one of the major international rock bands of the '90s. Also included is one album cut, "Daffodil Lament" from No Need to Argue, said to have been an overwhelming fan choice as the one non-single inclusion, and two new songs, "New New York" and "Stars." "New New York," in which lead singer and songwriter Dolores O'Riordan takes on the September 11 terrorist attacks, is a bit heavy-handed, as O'Riordan confesses that the subject is beyond her ("There's nothing to say") before settling for the anthemic statement, "They won't tear us apart." Much better is "Stars," one of the band's more pop-sounding efforts. But the inclusion of the two songs is appropriate, as it shows the Cranberries continuing to pursue two tracks in their music, one a harder-edged, more political side, the other softer and more romantic.

