来自爱尔兰的浓厚香醇的Britpop,让人爱不释手的The Frames历年走来已经是第6张正式Album了,期间成员的不断流动,厂牌的不断更换,都使得The Frames的音乐越发的飘散出成熟美,这只有岁月的积淀才能散发的出.尤其喜欢近2张的Burn the Maps和Cost.
一手创造乐队的主唱Glen Hansard的嗓音天生就是唱Britpop的,低调不做作,忧郁不感伤,又不失爆发力,这在Rise和People Get Ready中便可见一斑.主打Song for Someone和Falling Slowly的旋律相信一定能俘获众多Britpop爱好者的心,Sad Songs的唯美更是轻易让我沉溺。True的大气,绝妙的和声,更是让我迷失。诸多种种种种,构成的这张Cost,不得不让我再次呐喊:Britpop 万岁!(转自释梦园论坛)
You're three tracks into The Cost before you find a song, "The Rise," that opens with anything but singer Glen Hansard's voice as the first thing you hear. The beauty is, you're waiting for the voice, with its hints of Cat Stevens's tonality and its utterly distinct Irish lift. It's Hansard that provides the Frames with such a rising vibe, the sense of a band always lifting off, pressed higher by Colm Mac An Iomaire's violin. Mac An Iomaire's strings slip and slide in the thickets of guitar, playing exceptional cat and mouse both when the guitars are clear and crisp and when they're crashing furiously. The Frames wouldn't claim to write epic tunes, but over and over the songs build toward ecstatic sonic events. Witness the hushed open to "People Get Ready" how it morphs into a violin and guitar-grit blast of wind-blown energy or the distortion-scoured hum behind Hansard's lone voice on "True" launching a languorous, piano-driven backdrop as the singer lets loose a first-class yowl--the stuff of anguished beauty.