by Tim Sendra
Paul Collins' original Beat splintered in 1981 after the release of their second album, The Kids Are the Same. To Beat or Not to Beat from 1983 features a new lineup and a slightly harder-edged and commercial sound. The hooks are still there, though they are a touch duller, and Collins works very hard to put the songs across, but there is something missing. Maybe what's missing is the spark of innocence or the excitement of hearing a band that sounds ready to take on the world. This sounds like a band making a last-ditch attempt to hit the big time. Tunes like &Dance, Dance& or &Making You Mine& sound like they were recorded in hopes of landing on a Fast Times knockoff. &Give Me the Drugs& is a showy new wave ballad with terrible lyrics and one of the worst-recorded drum sounds of all time. The only song that could have been on one of the first two albums is the opener, &All Over the World,& and even then it would have been one of the weaker tracks. Long Time Gone is the second and last record this version of the Beat made and it is no improvement over To Beat or Not to Beat. The songs are dully catchy and as slick as a wet seal. Only the rhythmically interesting &Working on a Good Thing& gives you anything to hold on to. The rest of the songs start to slip away halfway though. The ballad &Standing in the Rain& with Collins' overwrought vocal performance combined with the clichéd lyrics and guitar is especially painful. The record marked the sad end of a really good band. At least the first two albums are there to ease the pain somewhat. The 2004 release on Wounded Bird combines the two EPs and adds three bonus tracks, none of which add a thing to the package.