by Matthew Greenwald
There are a few records that can be considered birthplaces of what has become known as &country-rock.& Two Gene Clark albums, Echoes and Fantastic Expedition, come to mind, as well as the Byrds' Sweetheart of the Rodeo and the International Submarine Band's debut. Add to that list -- and put it high up there -- Nashville West, a self-titled debut by a group that consisted of Gib Guilbeau, Wayne Moss, and two future Byrds, Gene Parsons and the great Clarence White, and it's White's awesome guitar work that puts this album in a legendary context. Aside from the revolutionary playing by White, the group has a forceful yet laid-back groove that, if you like it on the first cut, &Nashville West,& will have you digging the whole record. Parsons' drumming has a slightly soulful edge, which predates the Flying Burrito Brothers' experiments by several years. One of the best cuts on the album is a cover of &Ode to Billy Joe,& which has White and Parsons laying into a groove that is indescribably delicious. Ignoring the historical value of this CD, the whole record is a hell of a lot of fun. Vocally, not really what you'd call a masterpiece, but it doesn't matter -- Nashville West is a record that should be owned by any fan of the Byrds, the Flying Burrito Brothers, Dillard & Clark, and country music as a genre. Brilliant.