★空降全英冠军专辑~首发单曲"I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’"空降UK金榜冠军
★艳丽派摇滚舞曲掌门 贯穿全球时尚秀场、大小舞厅&音乐祭 超夸张表演团体
☆艾尔顿强报名作后援会长 保罗麦卡尼梦裡助兴齐创作
☆全英音乐奖横扫国际3大奖项史上第1团 最佳国际团体/最佳国际专辑/最佳突破艺人
2001年,3个同志、1个异男加1个异女,5人在纽约以剪刀为盟合组Scissor Sisters。从纽约独立乐圈凝聚人气,到英国Glastonbury音乐节让人high掉下巴,在7万5000观众注目下抢佔头版头条的V festival完美演出;从专业乐评杂志NME,到摇滚跨舞曲领域的小众杂志Mixmag,都看得见她们,甚至被Observer音乐月刊选为年度乐团。2005全英音乐奖,她们成为史上第一位横扫国际类奖项的艺人(最佳国际乐团、突破艺人、最佳国际专辑3项)!
两年前的首张同名专辑不仅成为年度最畅销专辑,全球更狂销300万张,也奠定他们迷幻摇滚外挂电音舞曲的艳丽派掌门地位。当繁华褪去,面临新辑压力的姊妹们仍决定用亮丽舞曲鼓舞全世界,特别邀来他们的头号歌迷艾尔顿强共同谱写首发单曲"I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’"诚实而幽默唱出内心孤单,一首"Paul McCartney"是乐团核心Jake一晚梦见这位伟大披头的交心之作;"She’s My Man"非关变性人,而是曾横行密西西比河的一名女盗Annie Christmas的同人志,"Land Of A Thousand Words"受到007电影主题曲启发,而充满合声的"Might Tell You Tonight"是她们自认唯一情歌代表。
【2CD全球限量精装盘】拥有精心设计的抽屉拉开式包装与小海报,其中CD1为专辑所有曲目,CD2则收录包括主打歌"I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’"混音版在内的六首特选珍藏歌曲。
by John Bush
The first Scissor Sisters album was one of the catchiest debuts of the new millennium, but also one of the best-crafted. All camp on the surface but with plenty of substance underneath, it succeeded because the group wrote fantastic songs and backed them with excellent productions, usually in the vein of their biggest pop/dance heroes, from the Bee Gees to George Michael. If the follow-up, Ta-Dah, doesn't reach as high as its predecessor, it's certainly not the fault of some spot-on arrangements by head producer Babydaddy. Soundtracking his own mythical night at Studio 54 circa 1978, Babydaddy's Discoball Jazzfest Studio in New York City pumps out tracks gloriously in debt to the Bee Gees (of course), Elton John (although not on the track he contributes piano to), the Rolling Stones' brassy late-'70s stompers, electro-disco arena rock (if there is such a thing), and some sort of '70s disco hokum that features a very talented Gina Gershon on jew's-harp. Similarities to their debut are much easier to find than differences, although the songs aren't quite as memorable (except the single &I Don't Feel Like Dancin'&) and Ta-Dah is slightly samey in comparison. (The debut ranged for influences as late as 1987, and flaunted a tougher, leaner sound.) Still, Scissor Sisters remain consummate masters of their material; the chord changes on the ballad &Land of a Thousand Words& defy listeners to not think of a glittering discoball, which is precisely the right image to be conjured.