于1973年初次发行,赢得AMG五星满分优评,有请葛莱美奖肯定的Lee “Scratch” Perry(The Clash、Beastie Boys、Boy George)操盘
发行三十周年纪念版,加收10首歌曲混音版本,以及牙买加萨克斯风手Tommy McCook、Lee “Scratch” Perry领军化名的乐团The Upsetters珍稀作品
1976年获选滚石杂志「年度最佳乐团」、1999年专辑『Exodus』入选时代杂志「世纪专辑」殊荣、2001年在好莱坞星光大道上留名以及获颁葛莱美「终身成就奖」,有着雷鬼乐之父、牙买加国宝、第三世界超级巨星等称谓的Bob Marley,成功将雷鬼音乐打破种族划分跃入主流市场,活化且丰富雷鬼乐早期最简单的音乐步调。
1964年偕同儿时玩伴组成The Wailing Wailers,虽只支撑两年光景便遭逢团员解体,剩下Bob Marley、Bunny Livington及Peter Mclntosh三人组合继续为歌唱事业打拼,在不放弃任何机会下,Bob Marley加入贝斯手Aston与鼓手Carlton Barrett兄弟,齐力录制音乐作品。直到1975年以一曲经典传唱曲“No Woman No Cry”成功打进英国排行Top40,相继挺入美国流行排行榜;70年代中期後Bob Marley And The Wailers开始发光发热,向主流市场扩展,不时反映人道与和平精神,虽然在1981年Bob Marley不幸因为癌症过世,享年36岁,但他不死的精神,依然藉由他庞大的家族与乐团传承下去。
此张于1973年初次发行的【African Herbsman】,赢得专业音乐网站AMG五星满分优评,请到葛莱美奖加冕之Lee “Scratch” Perry (The Clash、Beastie Boys、Boy George)操盘。其中“Sun Is Shining”曾在1999年由丹麦籍浩室乐制作/混音师Funkstar De Luxe重新舞曲改造,攻进美国舞曲榜冠军+英国金榜季军;还有从美丽的情歌“Don’t Rock The Boat”到牵扯政治议题之“Brain Washing”,以及动人之歌“Keep On Moving”、“Kaya”…Bob与队友们齐力营造最传统的雷鬼音韵,去掉多余缀饰,轻松宣泄属于牙买加的摇摆情调。30年後发行纪念增值版,收录多达10首曲目之混音版本,以及牙买加萨克斯风手Tommy McCook、Lee “Scratch” Perry领军化名的乐团The Upsetters的珍稀作品。
by Matthew Hilburn
To Bob Marley's emotionally charged music and lyrics, add the tight riddims and harmonies of the Wailers and then put all of that talent into the ceaselessly creative hands of production wizard Lee "Scratch" Perry. What you get is a 16-track reggae masterpiece capturing what is perhaps some of the best music Bob Marley & the Wailers ever committed to tape. The songs range from beautiful love songs like "Don't Rock the Boat" to cathartic political anthems like "Brain Washing," but even with the broad scope, no tracks miss the mark. They all cut straight to the heart and burn with an urgency rarely felt in music of any genre. So defining are the tracks that Marley himself was to return to the same themes later in his career, reviving such classics as "Lively Up Yourself" on Natty Dread, "Trench Town Rock" on Live!, and "Kaya" on Kaya, among others. While this is a Bob Marley & the Wailers album, Perry's unique production almost steals the show. Perry's bare-bones, heavy sound provides an interesting contrast to the slicker approach taken on Catch a Fire, produced by Bob Marley & the Wailers and Chris Blackwell and also made in 1973. Catch a Fire has an almost rock edge to it, but on African Herbsman, one can hear Perry's swirling mix madness lurking just beneath the surface of each Trench Town-tough track.