




Camera Obscura



Camera Obscura 最新作品《Let's Get Out Of This Country》,从格拉斯哥,苏格兰出发,迈向国际风格。这次他们来到了瑞典,找来The Concretes的制作人Jari Haapalainen在瑞典当地录制,将苏格兰民谣摇滚与ABBA复古流行予以融合,一开始充满矛盾情感的"Tears for affairs"兼具了甜美与不可说的哀愁,洋溢满怀六○年代风情。"Come back Margaret"中,Tracyanne 的声音娇柔得彷佛会令人心碎,却又有一种怅然的豁达。"The False Contender"如洋娃娃般甜美的民谣风,专辑终曲"Razzle Dazzle Rose"则是一阵浪漫温暖的春风,女主唱的嗓音迎面拂来,舒张了每一根紧绷的血管;曲末磅礡的境界,更为整张专辑画下一个令人振奋的句点。相较于之前 Camera Obscura 专辑的清纯如水,这张新作毋宁是更浓醇如酒的;如封面那浓郁的色彩--在这缤纷杂沓的人世,用一双更开阔的眼睛,来看这种种令人眼花撩乱的色彩,或许也是 眷恋着生命的你,最需要的一种感觉吧。

If this review could be one word long, that word would be "enchanting." Camera Obscura has always been lovely but they've made the jump to truly enchanting with their third album, Let's Get Out of This Country. Stepping fully out of the shadow of their onetime patrons Belle & Sebastian, the group has composed and performed an album that is comparable to B&S' best and ranks with the best indie pop albums ever. More importantly, they've released an album that, in the approximate words of Paula Abdul, pierces straight through the heart. Head Camera Tracyanne Campbell writes amazingly intimate and tender ballads that can break your heart with the slightest lyrical twist, swell of strings, or vocal harmony. That she sings these songs in a voice so sweet and direct adds an extra level of feeling to songs like the wrenching "Country Mile" and the almost unbearably melancholy "Tears for Affairs." The band's gentle and restrained playing and the expansive production courtesy of Jari Haapalainen are note perfect as well. Whether rocking out in a Motown manner or lying back with some mellow country-rock, the combination of music, lyrics, melodies, and vocals is, well, enchanting. Picking out highlights is like picking your favorite among your children, but you might find yourself drawn to the witty "Lloyd, I'm Ready to Be Heartbroken" (a 22-years-late response to Lloyd Cole's classic "Are You Ready to Be Heartbroken?"), the aforementioned "Country Mile," the musically relaxed, lyrically bitter "I Need All the Friends I Can Get," and maybe best of all, the country tearjerker "Dory Previn," which references the singer/songwriter who had her husband stolen by a very young Mia Farrow and in response wrote the classic breakup song "Beware of Young Girls." Here Campbell turns Previn "up to 11 for the band's ears to bleed" in order to help put her ex out of her mind and delivers her most affecting vocal on the album, which is no small feat on a record as suffused in heartache as Let's Get Out of This Country. You might not find heartache as enchanting as this anywhere else.
