@路德·古利特(这家伙很聪明什么也没留下...):Steven Halpern 的这张作品,是一次愉快的奇幻体验。它构筑了一个温暖而令人动心的氛围。他的音场就是真实、美丽和惊奇的领域。这张安逸的CD简直是为冥想、按摩和自省而准备的。
Steven Halpern 水晶球疗伤作品是否能表到处水晶球系列的真谛呢?经典的寒冷,清澈,埃及式的忧郁,浅绿色的宁静,奇幻的管弦乐带你进入冥想的世界。你的旅程开始于埃及金字塔内的咒语,在奇幻的水晶世界穿行。
@Stefanie(Let there be...):叮。。。。。。今天,嘗試敲響水晶缽或任何一種可以發出清脆聲音的樂器讓那個波動,從上到下的洗禮你 cr : --- 《靈魂的波動》 - 天女小語
@Neptun:I have been looking online for crystal bowl healing music for my daily meditation practice for long. Pity that I couldn't find anything like we used to play on group retreat, but this album is the closest one I could find here in Xiami, purely sound, not too much unnecessary noise intervention.
2015-05-18 10:08
@kidlaven:I have been looking online for crystal bowl healing music for my daily meditation practice for long. Pity that I couldn't find anything like we used to play on group retreat, but this album is the best one I could find here in Xiami, purely sound, not too much unnecessary noise intervention .