VCMG顧名思義就是Vince Clarke + Martin L.Gore的縮寫,這兩個早年曾是夥伴的重量級電音大師,幾乎睽違三十年再度攜手合作。雙方粉絲期待這將會是雙劍合壁天下無敵之作,或許將有可能引領新 的Synth-Pop風潮。但一切卻事與願違。此作是一張無人聲的Techno專輯,而且彷彿是為了騎師打碟或舞廳爆破使用的素材。沒有合成器沒有實驗甚 至也沒有旋律性,節奏語彙更是停留在九零年代的方位;或許可以從鳳毛麟角中讀出Depeche Mode與Yazoo的鮮甜有趣,但也太過稀少,並且與現今電音圈毫無連結,令人失望。
It marks the long awaited reunion of electronic pioneers Vince Clarke (Erasure/ Yazoo/ Depeche Mode) and Martin L. Gore (Depeche Mode), who have joined forces for the first time in over thirty years to craft a 10-track album which demonstrates their mutual love of electronic music. ‘Ssss’, written and produced by Vince Clarke and Martin L. Gore, was mixed by Timothy “Q” Wiles, recorded and engineered by Sie Medway Smith and Vince Clarke and mastered by Stefan Betke (aka Pole).