·BBC Sound of 2015北爱尔兰天才女伶首张个人专辑
·媲美Laura Marling、Cat Power与Beach House的浪漫之声
来自北爱尔兰「处女城」德里,BBC「Sound of 2015」话题焦点新人SOAK,本名Bridie Monds-Watson,13岁开始创作,14岁登台表演,背着吉他酷酷的中性男孩打扮不迎合任何风格,与生俱来的清澈声籁赤裸纯粹而真实,令CHVRCHES一听惊豔并延揽至自有厂牌旗下发行单曲。当同龄正为高考打拼,Bridie选择辍学,还放弃可能会令她鼻青脸肿手脚骨折的滑板嗜好,全情投入音乐事业,获得一纸独立经典老牌Rough Trade唱片合约,此时她才18岁。
因爱上Joni Mitchell和Pink Floyd而走上民谣吉他唱作之路,略带灵魂感的声线小类似Cat Power,简约音乐铺排则有Beach House影子。第一张专辑《Before We Forgot How To Dream》由曾获2010水星奖提名乐团Villagers吉他手Tommy McLaughlin操刀製作,为她谱弦歌唱至今,无时无刻从无歇息的创作心路。〈Blud〉描述父母离异,引发内心挣扎冲突的纠结叫人不忍;〈Sea Creatures〉添上单曲版本没有的弦乐、鼓、合声等层次,轻快生动的编排与她眼中的大人世界成了对比;〈Be a noBody〉单凭开头歌词「The teenage heart is an unguided thought / We’re trying hard to make something of what we are」即诉尽了青春世代的困惑心声。
Early on, much was made of the young age of Bridie Monds-Watson – who performs as SOAK – but as her accomplished, wise-beyondher- years songs and breathtakingly lovely voice reached more new listeners, the pixie-ish, tattooed skateboarder’s appeal has transcended her youth. Before We Forgot How To Dream is a beautifully-wrought album, full of musical turns that showcase Watson’s uniquely sweet and haunting voice, as well as lyrics that marry a sunny and romantic sense of nostalgia with frank treatments of human failings, hopes, and – yes – dreams. Already a household name in the UK, with “Sea Creatures” in BBC Radio 1 A-list rotation and prominent festival bookings throughout the season, SOAK’s debut appearances in NYC and SXSW this March found her playing before capacity crowds - “the only performer to stun the crowd into silence,” noted Consequence of Sound. US press – including heavyweights like NPR, and the New York Times - have anointed her one of SXSW 2015’s breakout performers. The stage is set for SOAK to win the hearts of US audiences, and we know she’ll win yours, too, once you listen.